[center][img]https://i.ibb.co/DtzPDwW/Marduk-Banner.png[/img][h3]To Battle[/h3][/center][hr] Marduk cared not for the information they were given. After all, it is his traveling companions' job to parse such rumors and plan for a course of action. If anything, Marduk was glad he was in a group that would do the talking for him. So long as it lead him to laying waste to more Fomorian scum, the Swordwind was contempt with whatever leads these knights chose to pursue. And battle, it seems, would soon find the trio as well as they made their ways into the burnt remnants of a village. Marduk growled softly, his heart flared once more at the sight of the slaughter. To think that these cursed kinsmen are free to wander and destroy at their whim sickens the Elf-blooded warrior to no end. Such a scene reminded him of his duty, his self-appointed quest to rid the world of these cursed beings. The horrified screams of a child would be his call to enact this mission, however, as his allies both charged into battle. A group of Fomorians seemed to be grouping up against a pair of children. The Frozen Knight quickly rode in to face what appeared to be their leader, whereas the Brute had moved to a position where he could defend the children. The Swordwind was the last to enter the fray, stepping up on his horse as he rode it in a crouched position as he clutched his staff tightly. He briefly considered drawing upon his Leargas before deciding against it, believing he would not need its power against mere chaff. He knew well that if he relied too much on his ancestors' power, they may soon overtake him. It would be best to save his bloodline's arms for when they would face their next great adversary, if those massive claw-marks on the walls were any indication of such. Marduk would then leap from his horse, holding his staff aloft with two hands as he aimed on landing within the center of their formation. As he landed, he would sweep his staff into a large circle, knocking the goblinoids away from his landing zone. Wasting no time, Marduk made his attacks. Like a whirlwind, his staff would crush those cursed beasts that surrounded him, shattering bones and cracking skulls with each swing.