Grumbling could be heard over the gentle roar of the engine of the compact car. A young strawberry blond woman at the wheel, her green eyes watching the dirt covered road as she navigated through the country side. Sinéad Gallagher was the youngest daughter and one of Lochlan's sisters. She had taken it upon herself to drop her youngest and only brother off in Sandgem town, despite his vocal protests. [color=Pink]"Come on pup, it was either me or Saoirse."[/color] She started with a smirk, eyes never leaving the practically deserted road. The rosette didn't even let the young boy respond before continuing, [color=pink]"I doubt you wanted to spend the last few hours hearing her gripe about how Periwinkle clashes with her skin but brings out her Milotic's azure scales."[/color] Beside her sat the [i]pup[/i] in question, his brows furrowed in displeasure at both the situation and the thought of being subjected to his middle sister's ranting. He loved his sisters's despite the huge difference in age and opinion but there were times where Sinéad really was the only one he could deal with. This being one of them. Sighing in defeat, the red head finally spoke. [color=IndianRed]"Fine! Doesn't mean I have to like it though, 'Néad."[/color] A giggle was his only response. Well than and a soft [color=BurlyWood]"Bun?"[/color] from the pleasant wieght of warmth and fluff in his lap. With a smile, he snuggled the rabbit-like pokemon before giving him a small kiss on the forehead. [color=IndianRed]"We're almost there Caelan."[/color] [color=Pink]"I still don't get how someone as rough as you can bond with such a sweet little buneary."[/color] Sinéad responded to the display as they finally entered the town and began to slow to a stop before local Poke-Mart, just in sight of the beach. A beach that seemed to contain quite a few familiar faces to the more vibrant red head. [color=IndianRed]"Well...thanks for the ride."[/color] Lochlan muttered as he quickly unbuckled and got out of the car, his buneary hopping about to rest on his shoulder. Just as he was closing the door he added an awkward and hasty [color=IndianRed]"Love-you-see-ya-tell-the-girl-and-dad-I-love-them!"[/color] before racing to the beach to engage with his school-mates. The obnoxious sound of his sister laughing following him. ~~~`~ Upon reaching the beach, he was greatly appreciating his own boots as he fought through the sand. He just managed to catch Rich's reaction to the cold ice cream and his attempt to commune with an Arcanine that he could only assume belonged to Melody. [color=IndianRed]"Now why didn't I get an Invite to this party?"[/color] The dark clad red head asked with a cocky smirk, hopefully surprising the resident psychic. Meanwhile Caelan hesitated for a moment before heading to the small congregation of pokemon to the side and attempted to aid the fallen Wooper with a small grunt of [color=BurlyWood]"Bu-buneary."[/color]