[center][img]https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/935994562026016780/961080208788688926/KaiserHeadPic2.png[/img] [h1][color=steelblue]K A I [/color][/h1] [h3]Rise and Shine[/h3][/center] [hr] Among the fluffy nest of blankets and pillows, Kai lay sprawled out on his back. A thin line of drool made its way down his chin as he grinned in his sleep, and one twitching hand scratched his bare belly. Clad in only his boxers, the youth had apparently slept quite well despite it being his first night in an unfamiliar place--then again, this bed was even more comfortable than the one Gramps gave him, and even that had been something he never could have imagined...before. The bluette's brow furrowed as he shifted in his sleep. One of his legs began to kick the air, as if he were trying to...run from something. A cold draft suddenly whipped one of his pillows away as the air around his body rippled, like heat waves coming off a road in midsummer. One hand clenched the sheets in a white-knuckled grip--the other stiffened into a claw. A shiver passed through his frame. His lips curled, revealing clenched teeth. A snarl ripped itself out of his throat from the depths of his being-- And he scared himself awake. In a flurry of motion he hopped from his back to all fours somehow, then his body froze in place while his head swept the room. Confusion painted over his features for a moment--then his braid started to whip back and forth. "First day! First day!" he chanted as he darted around the room, throwing his belongings this way and that until he had managed to work his way back into clothing. He practically fell over himself as he headed for the door while still putting on his shoes and strapping his sword to his belt. Just as he reached out, there was a knock-- "The squadron is heading to the mess hall. Meet us there when you--" Of the many ways Nathaniel might have expected to start his morning, being bowled over by an explosion of blue hair and boundless energy probably wasn't one of them. Kai took a tumble as well, but somehow ricocheted off the wall and circled back on all fours. "Mornin' Nate--uh, Nate, sir!" The wildling straightened up and snapped another imitated salute. "It's the first day!" And then he was off again. Down in the common room, the others could hear what sounded like a stampede crashing down the stairwell before Kai literally somersaulted into their midst. He stuck the landing, arms outstretched. "Mornin' everyone!" he chirped. Then, he sniffed the air, and his head snapped in the direction of both Rossweine and the mess hall. His body turned in the same direction a beat afterward as he pointed. "Food's thataway!" And off he went again. There was so much to do today! They were going to start their training to be knights, Heroes! And he'd have to make sure to do extra training too, just like Gramps told him! And he should write Gramps a letter, too! He wondered if he'd get to know the others better at practice--he hoped they didn't have to sit in desks and write on paper all day long... With all this on his mind, he managed to make himself forget about that dream...