[Hider=Igtaro Bel'siar]Name: Igtaro Bel'siar Age: 23 Appearance: Igtaro is a true son of Nocturne, though his crimson eyes really come alive during the throes of combat. Accompanied by the Chapter's signature jet black skin, his size and build is average for a Salamanders neophyte and his head is completely shaved. At a glance, he appears fairly 'fresh' and uninjured, with minimal scarring that's usually covered by his armour. Equipment: Along with the standard Scout armour, Igtaro carries a Stalker-pattern bolt pistol with scope and suppressor along with a combat knife he forged himself and takes pristine care of. Along with ammo, he takes a frag and krak grenade as it always pays to be prepared for any situation. When permitted, he is a fan of the cameleoline cloaks and M40/A1 sniper rifles, though they are not necessary to every mission. Psychological profile: Igtaro is surprisingly reserved compared to most of his battle-brothers and is quite happy to take a backseat when it comes to conversations. Despite a quiet nature, Igtaro happily listens to his fellow Astartes and Neophytes and is unquestionably loyal with no issues following orders from his superiors. During training, Igtaro shows a great aptitude for the stealthier style of the 10th Company and seems rather comfortable in this kind of role. To Igtaro, being one of the Emperor's finest is much like controlling the flames of a forge. His beliefs drive him to not become the hammer against the anvil of the Imperium's enemies but instead the spark that ignites the flaming bellows of battle.[/hider]