[center][h1][color=deepskyblue] The Palace of Rime VI [/color][/h1] [h3][i][color=Darkgray]Reason’s Departure[/color][/i][/h3][/center] [hr] The screams were unsettling but they were necessary. They were always necessary. That’s what Chailiss said. She believed him of course, for he was never wrong. No, never, to think any different would have been… Unthinkable. Besides, she was just helping out of course. He needed her help. That was right, that was what she told herself. She gripped her head and closed her eyes tight, banishing such disruptive thoughts. At least she tried to. She looked over to the girl, Aurora, who sat watching her with such haunted eyes. Chailiss had forbidden her from giving her tongue back, even if she had wanted to. Losing a tongue was rough, for sure but necessary. Nothing could be done about it without upsetting Chailiss. Yes. Aurora tried to motion to her, pleading with her eyes but Zenia knew if Chailiss found out she had even so much as talked to her, she would be punished. She didn’t want that. Her sister, now more of an object of faith than an actual person, laid upon her bed unmoving. She wished Rosalind would wake, if only so Chailiss had another object of ire. Zenia was unsure of what Chailiss would do to her in the waking world, but it couldn’t be all that bad, right? She rubbed at the bruise along her arm and wanted to laugh. She was a Goddess, why did she bruise? It didn’t seem very fair but she had been stupid and talked out of line. She shouldn’t be doing that again. More screaming. She was relieved, not because she could stop it, (which she never would have, that would have been stupid) but because it meant he was elsewhere. Preoccupied. For however long. Chailiss had gotten paranoid after Viho left and in his wisdom, moved them down into the frozen depths of the glacier. Down were all his experiments were taking place. Where the screams all molded into one chorus of sad suffering. But Chailiss needed help and she would help him, she had to. It meant he wouldn’t be upset with her and hit her, so was most often eager to please. The door opened, when had the screaming stopped? Her eyes glanced at Chailiss, wearing his dark robe, before they glanced down to the floor at his feet. A red drop landed where she looked, then another. She knew what it was, oh she knew. [color=darkgray]”Come Zenia. You are required.”[/color] he commanded in a gruff voice. She obeyed, even as Aurora gripped the cage bars, even as her face twisted into rage. Zenia followed, for it was her place to follow. He led her through the icy halls, brimmed with the glow of a thousand white crystals. Their light gave little warmth to the blue depths of their home. It was not long before they came to another room, whose door was opened. Chailiss drifted through and she followed, stopping in her tracks at what she saw before her. A large table sat in the middle of the room, chained to it was the form of childan woman. Crimson flowed from the top, down the sides and pooled on the floor. Her heart sank a bit at the sight, it was such a sad sight, but why Chailiss had done it was probably for good reason. The woman groaned a whimper, it seemed she was still alive. Even though her chest cavity had been peeled back and her organs lay fresh upon the table. She looked at Zenia with a gaze that could only convey true pain but it was lost upon the Goddess. Chailiss came to a stop across from her, on the other side of the table. [color=darkgray]”It is as I feared, Zenia. Tala, and by extension, the rest of the Childan, are useless. Their fever has infected them to their very core. If we are to rid the world of this infection, we need another way. We cannot have tools that feel the fits of life.”[/color] A blood stained, skeletal hand caressed Tala’s face, while frozen tears fell from her eyes. Zenia watched, fidgeting as she tried to hold his gaze. [color=darkgray]”Though it is possible to change them even now, as I will with her, why go through all that trouble when I know where those ready and willing to join us reside? They are untouched, awaiting a sculptor and his vision. The perfect instruments, waiting to be brought to death.”[/color] [color=yellow]”Of-of course, my Lord.”[/color] She eked out. Her eyes fell further down, at the freezing blood. [color=darkgray]”Very good Zenia, I knew you would agree.”[/color] he waved his hand over Tala and her eyes fluttered shut. Then Chailiss hovered over the table and wrapped an arm around Zenia, walking her out of the room and further down the hall. She shivered at his touch but kept her head down. [color=darkgray]”I have decided,”[/color] he began, [color=darkgray]”That I shall travel to Keltra. There I shall acquire the remaining, untainted humans and turn them to our will.”[/color] Zenia nodded along as they entered a chamber of darkness. It smelled faintly of lingering decay but they came to a stop before a single pedestal. Chailiss raised his hand and from the pedestal rose a frost covered ball, containing a black substance or liquid. [color=darkgray]”With this we shall have peace, Zenia.”[/color] he let go of her and she relaxed. [color=darkgray]”When I find where they rest, I shall break this and usher in a new age. In order for this to work you must also contribute to their creation. Make them revel in blood, Zenia. Make them… Find happiness in such efforts. Do you understand?”[/color] he asked, standing before her. He caressed her cheek and lifted her chin up. Zenia did not resist. [color=darkgray]”Do this and I shall be truly happy.”[/color] Zenia’s eyes widened and she gave a quick nod. She had no idea what he was really talking about but if it made him happy, it was the least she could do, right? His plans were beyond her, thus she asked no questions. It was better that way, she liked it when he was gentle with her and not… When she said something dumb or spoke without thinking. [color=darkgray]”Poor your essence into this power of mine, Zenia.”[/color] he prodded, outstretching the ball towards her. Tentatively she touched it with the tips of her fingers and felt a jolt of electrified power, surging through her briefly. Then she did as he asked, pouring her strength into the vessel. He wanted happiness through blood, contentment and revelry through the darkest acts and she obliged, for Zenia was a simple goddess and it was no bother to her. When that was done, she let go and awaited Chailiss. He retracted the orb and hid it away in his cloak. [color=darkgray]”Now I require armor suited for a god and a weapon suited for slaying such gods.”[/color] [color=yellow]”A-Are you sure?”[/color] she asked, dread in her voice as she realized the question. She felt a slight pressure as Chailiss dug his hand into her shoulder but it abated rather quickly. [color=darkgray]”If Homura is there she will attempt to stop us. Any other god still alive is either under her thumb or just as insane as she. We must be prepared for anything if we are to succeed. Now, do as I ask. Just as you did for Viho.”[/color] She nodded and summoned her strength. She envisioned what she gave Viho and then did the same, only this time, she made it in the vision of a humanoid. It started out as gold, the color of her hair, but as it fit itself around the skeletal frame of Chailiss, it twisted and darkened in color. Red black it became, embossed with high ridges, overlapping plates of godmetal, fitting his frame as his black cloak became a long flowing cape with a cowl that obscured his head. It came alive, as he or the armor leaked through a wispy blue smoke. When it was done he flexed his guantled hands and took a step forward. [color=darkgray]”Truly our powers have little limits, with this I feel… So invigorated. Well done Zenia. Now…”[/color] he outstretched his hand and before him from the very fabric of reality came forth a chain of glowing white that wrapped itself around his forearm. It was intricately crafted. Each chain link itself, shown bright like a star, reflecting light from a thousand facets. But beauty brought about death, for each of those chains were spiked like the claws of some fierce beast. On both ends the chains became small daggers. One side was as a cutting blade should be but the other was like the mouth of a shark, serrated. He motioned to Zenia and she added her strength to them. The chain became flecked with gold and hummed with newfound power. Satisfied he turned to Zenia. [color=darkgray]”Keep a careful watch upon Rosalind. If any attempt to invade this place, you know what to do.”[/color] he pointed at the pendant around her neck. [color=darkgray]”I shall return and all shall be well.”[/color] And with little more to be said, the god of cold and earth departed, leaving Zenia alone. It took the Goddess some time to gather her thoughts but when she did, she returned back from whence she came and shut the icy door behind her as she was greeted with the anxious eyes of Aurora. She looked away and went to her chair, where she summoned for herself more wine. She took a sip. Everything was going to be okay. [hider=Summary] Zenia POV, so like the Goddess is doing her thing, and Chailiss comes to get her where he then goes on and on about some sort of plan in a room with a dissected Childan and then they go somewhere else and she makes some more armor and then empowers some pretty chains and then Chailiss leaves so she goes to drink some wine. [/hider] [hider=Vigor] Zenia 17 Vigor -5 to forge the Armor of Indulgence; Suitable protection from the most destructive of attacks, this armor was created by Zenia with one overwhelming purpose; It feeds on what the wearer indulges in, making them stronger in the process. -5 to empower Sunder -3 to add her own essence to an orb 4 vigor remaining & Chailiss 7 Vigor +3 Cause Chris loves me -3 to add his own essence to an orb -5 (10 vigor Artifact) To forge the chain of Sunder. A powerful weapon, made with a deranged mind. Its sole purpose is to be strong enough to slay any in its way, including the very gods. 2 vigor remaining [/hider] [hider=Spirit] Aurora Starting = 18 +1 = 19 [/hider]