[@Rune_Alchemist][@Guppy Franz] Hey! Glad to have more interest! [@Rune_Alchemist] Exactly like Dionysus. Well, maybe not to a T but he was the direct inspiration. He's the God of everything that has to do with having a good time, partying and pleasure - with excess or not. If you had a good time, he is who you give thanks to. Unless your idea of a good time is violence, killing and torture - then you might give thanks to Otarr or Anhur. Like I said in my explanation of the Pantheon, it's all pretty much open ended. Like Polytheistic religions of our world, it's left to interpretation a lot. That being said, I feel the need to mention that character do not have to be devoted to [i]one[/i] god. They can feel a stronger connection to one, as long as they do not disregard the other ones directly. The Pantheon is like a dysfunctional family, but they are a whole and you, as the Envoys, serve all of them. But, as I said, a character can 100% feel more connected to one of them.