[img]https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/772709776295067648/967582818458828860/V2.jpg[/img] Everyone had arrived to a junkyard instead of a traditional classroom. Scrap metal, old cars, airplane parts. The various machines that kept London going had to go somewhere when they ceased to function, and this their graveyard. Giant floodlights hung over the corners to give sports stadium lighting across the entire area for best visibility during the night. Valeria would take in that lovely air of oil and rust, breathing it in like a fine perfume. [color=silver]"This is where the real magic happens!"[/color] She'd throw out her arm and introduce the majestic heap of trash and scrap. With a quick jump she's landed on top of a heap, using it as a podium to better speak to the gathered students below. [color=silver]"So from what I've read of you all. You have an assortment of dazzling powers, some of the most impressive I've seen in generations! You should know, all the power in you won't matter unless you can work as a team."[/color] As Valeria is speaking, her arms are moving akin to a composer to create a composition of junk into forms and bodies. They'd take the shape of a large metal Pageless. The scrap formed together into armored plate, brandishing a heart of metal gears churning inside and powering the great beast to life. A giant drill hung below it, attached by tubing to complete the design. A mechanical battle hornet, complete with bear like claws on its fists. [color=silver]"And that is the goal of this exercise. Zusammenarbeit! Or...what's the word for it in english...Interplay! Playing together!"[/color] Valeria had a little machine hover over to her shoulder carrying an english dictionary. She'd quickly scan over it. [color=silver]"Bah. Stupid language anyways."[/color] She'd shoo the machine away. [color=silver]"This machine is unique, understand? It requires an attack together from you all as a team! You must cooperate and use your powers in conjunction with one another. I've calibrated its armor to each of your Grimoires will coordinate to the seal inside of its chest. It's all a lot of complicated pseudo science and magic techno babble blah blah...hit the big glowie thing in the center all at once? Ja? Ja. You are all smart little kinder."[/color] The walls of the scrapyard come to a close, creating a protective barrier so the magical girls can use their full power without risk of causing collateral damage to the city or academy. Valeria would reposition herself on top of the iron gate, where she could best observe from behind the students and also make sure no one isn't sneaking off from the challenge ahead of them. [color=silver]"Oh and by the way! I might be shooting some explosive rounds every now and then to really spice things up! I wouldn't worry much about it. Now...onward! Attacke! Do not be afraid! I will not let it go too far!"[/color] She'd fire off a around from her hand cannon which sent a flare into the sky, exploding into a dazzling array of sparks. At this, the machine would let out a loud mechanical yell and pump into high gear. It'd move fast and immediately charge for the gathered group of girls with it's drill revved up at full spin. It'd drag across the ground, belching dirt up into the air as it aimed to tear apart every girl involved. Off to the side, a robotic voice was reading off the rights and legal immunities the Grand Ministry had for whatever may happen to its students and were not legally responsible for loss of life and limb.