Heya! Do you like Superpowers? Do you like stuff that makes no sense in favor of being [i]funny?[/i] Do you like [b]REAL-ASS GODDAMN SWORDS?![/b] Well, then do I have the RP pitch for you! Epithet Enchained is an RP concept I'm playin' around with that'll be based on the world shown in the YT series Epithet Erased, and the Anime Campaign it is based on! Of course, it'll be a largely original story beyond the setting, with plenty of chaotic hijinks to ensue :3 My plan is for it to be a pretty free-form RP, with characters from all walks of life. It won't be taking itself super seriously in a lot of ways, but it should still be a fun experience! Just because the [i]setting[/i] isn't serious doesn't mean characters can't be! In-between the chaotic storylines we'll be following, I'm sure characters will be able to grow and express themselves along the way. Anyhoo, hoping to see if there's interest in this kinda thing! If so, I'll be sure to get the RP up sometime soon.