[hr][hr] [center][h1][color=99CC00]Matthew Madigan[/color][/h1] [img]https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/363556781537886208/636570892754878484/J9pTL8B.jpg[/img] [I]Location: Agrabah Skills: [/I][/center] [hr][hr] Maddie let out a soft bit of laughter as Tink asked about how the meeting went. A small smile plastered on his face as he kept his eyes on the book, trying to pick which spell would come most handy for when they inevitably fucked up. [Color=99CC00]"Didn't think that after eighteen years I'd suddenly be participating in "bring your kids to work" day. But I suppose it did go well…aside from that bit of commotion out there."[/color] He said as he nodded back towards the front door, not daring to take his eyes off the book for even a second. These spells seemed a bit more complicated than the ones he'd read before. The components were simple enough, but the hand gestures and pronunciation is what bothered him. Maddie kept mouthing the word silently to himself. Getting a feel for the way his tongue moved and what shape his mouth had to make in order to utter these arcane words penned by one of the greatest known wizards of all time. Maddie couldn't help but notice Colby off to his side, doing the same thing as they each memorized a different spell. Even if he hadn't said it himself, he was hoping Colby would take the task of the teleportations. After all his father was [i]The[/i] Chesire cat. A being known for disappearing and reappearing as he so pleased. Hopefully that would give Colby an edge when casting the spell for them. Maddie on the other hand focused on the smoke screen spell. If anything, it would not only provide cover, but also give the guards something to choke up on as they tried to make their escape. It felt like a two for one special. Maddie was already dressed in his attire, leaving mostly the adults having to get ready for their heist. When Maddie felt certain he had the spell down he looked over to Colby before closing the book. He leaned against the table, looking out towards the others. [Color=99CC00]"We should probably go over the plan once more. Solidify what it is everyone's doing and what each of our goals are. Just to make sure we've got it all down."[/color] A lot had already happened since they arrived, and Maddie was sure a detail or two may of slipped through the cracks.