Fia listened to Drake talk to the others about her, instantly getting he didn't see her re-enter the room. She wanted to just go over and hug him, hearing how guilty he felt for snapping at her but John continued the conversation about how to heal Drake's soul core first. Hearing him mention Manny made her grit her teeth tightly closed but she said nothing, deciding to keep a poker face instead. She didn't trust Manny as far as she could throw him, but she had to agree that John had a point in his theory. With the glass of water handed to Serena, she walked over to Drake and gently hugged him. "I told you to get both of you home in one piece you doofus, but I'm just glad you're alive right now" she told him. "Just please don't do anything that reckless again, you scared the utter shit out of me" she told him. Kay thought about what John was explaining, knowing she wasn't nearly as adversed in this subject as John was. "Then we ask for Manny's help" she said, "we can't let Drake remain hurt when the kids go back to their time" she said again, easily imagining how their older selves would react to the two teenagers coming back injured.