[color=82ca9d]Dag’Tyr raised an easy hand. [/color] [color=00a651]“Good day to you good sir. I sympathise with thy plight, the Kin too know all too well the wretchedness the Shadow brings and to see another fall victim to its elusive claws is truly a miserable sight to behold. Unfortunately, as of yet I am not in need of any thy mixes or potions but rather of thy experience and knowledge.”[/color][color=82ca9d]Dag’Tyr spoke calmly though with a certain resolution in his tone of voice.[/color] [color=00a651]“Though I beg you to not discuss such matters so out in the open.”[/color] [color=82ca9d] Dag’Tyr again raised a hand in an attempt to strengthen his words. [/color] [color=00a651]“Fear not the request I make is not of ill nature, but I must confess I prefer the small comfort of a roof o’er my head when conversing. Would you allow me to enter thy humble shop?”[/color] [color=82ca9d]He asked as he awaited confirmation from the man first. Amongst the Kin proper courtesy and manners were always held in high regard. To force one’s entrance or show impatience was a faux pas that was tightly scrutinized by the Kin. Best to avoid it and show common sense and proper manners.[/color]