[quote=@kersel] Aww, I was interested in playing a non-pilot flight engineer as well. Maybe if we ever need side characters to pad out a scene. Additionally, would you allow a thunderbolt retrofitted with a railgun in place of one (or multiple) of the other hardpoints? I love the idea of a clunky, older model heavy-type ship, but railguuuuuuns call to me. Will hopefully be done with my character by the end of today. [/quote] Yeah, I can understand the interest, but I've had past experience with trying to integrate and occupy too many different kinds of characters in an RPG like this before, and it just ended up falling apart and losing focus far to easily, unfortunately. The railgun Thunderbolt might work; perhaps if it was a one-off as a retrofit or a field-expedient modification to cope with some previous damage or something? Give it a little bit of history and character and I'll allow it. [quote=@rocketrobie2] Would I be able to join in later in the RP? I'm really not sure what I want to do for a character and I don't want to hold things up too much. [/quote] Sure thing, there's no rush at the moment as it is. Still waiting for enough people to get their characters up/respond before I get started anyway, and I've got to think about how to start, so you may well have time without holding things back at all. And if not, then I'm sure it'll be easy enough to write in another character later. [quote=@jorvhik] [/quote] Silvester looks fine; I like the idea of a family man as a character, that's a refreshing idea to see, and a different motivation for a character as well. Please feel free to post him in the characters tab!