[center][img]https://fontmeme.com/permalink/220421/e3210451b4acd292b424c43e0df4432e.png[/img][/center] [hr][indent] Eila couldn't help but enjoy her interaction with Ermes. He was such a curious thing, full of life and enough pluck to ensure he would survive this world. He was wise enough to know the dangers of the world, but he could be mistaken in his statement: sometimes people truly were worse than monsters. But that was a topic that had no business here, nor would it pertain to their current conversation. Instead, she focused on the young lad and his mannerisms. He clearly took some offense to what she said, despite her intentions. Ignorance was not a sin, after all, and she was aware not everyone had access to the vast amount of knowledge as she did. At his last words, however, her smile lessened as she, too, could see her assumption was correct. Or rather, it was a close guess; the woman was a mixed breed, not quite reaching the same statures pure-blooded orcs did. No, she did, but she didn't quite look like she was pure-blooded. There was something amiss, but Eila couldn't put her finger on it. Granted, she was not a geneticist, but she knew enough. The woman assumed they were looking for the town, though she did make sure to voice that the House earned its reputation. Eila's response was interrupted by the emergence of a weathered trio who had likely seen better days. And what characters! The small one's hat could just as easily swallow her whole, and the cloaked one looked like his protection had seen better days. The leader was the one that left her most wary, his stance one of someone practiced. Still, no harm, no foul, and it wouldn't do to cast aspersions on strangers. Eila nodded in response to his statement, though she gave the woman her attention. [color=palegreen]"That would be our goal. We, too, are bound for the House,"[/color] She explained. [color=palegreen]"Getting put to work is precisely why we are going. But don't let us keep you! Come, Ermes, let us not disturb her any longer than we already have."[/color] [/indent][hr][hr]