[hr][hr][center][img]https://i.postimg.cc/FKJKRczH/the-gifted-591b350cc9ba7.png[/img][/center][hr][center][@Nallore][@BlueSky44][@Achronum][@Trainerblue192][@Kirah][/center][hr][hr][center][color=f7941d][b]Genosha: August 3rd, 2021 - 11:50 AM [/b][/color][/center][hr][hr][center][h3][b][color=935DB8]Veil[/color] & [color=DBA1DE]Casper[/color] & [color=#DAF7A6]Sunshine[/color][/b][/h3][hr][hr][b]Location:[/b] Various [b]Skills:[/b] [color=DBA1DE]Mediumship[/color][/center][hr][b]The Green Lagoon / the Astral Plane...[/b] David thought for a moment, trying to recall all of the souls he had seen. He'd seen his own soul before. And then the others. They tended to make themselves known. There had been a moment where he had been trapped inside of his own head, seeing them all. He counted those as souls. "At least... twenty seven?" Legion guessed. "I'm not really good at math," he then admitted. David then tilted his head, thinking about what Harry had said - about how he was worried, since his sister was really guarded. "Well... I don't like going into people's heads, but I could always tell you what she thinks," David offered, looking uncomfortable even as he suggested it. Going into people's heads was something his dad did. David never wanted to do that. But he wanted to help Harry, and it was one way that he could do that. [b]The Green Lagoon...[/b] Veil snorted slightly at Callie's idea of using her powers on Madrox. [color=935DB8]"He's already a crybaby, I'm not sure even your powers could do much to change that,"[/color] Veil quipped. She did not like Madrox at all. He was an annoyingly boring man who everyone seemed to obsess over, acting like he was god's gift to women. It was like seeing a popular RomCom in theaters, but the leading man was just a wet blanket. She did pause from her thoughts about Jamie Madrox to consider what Callie was suggesting. It wasn't a bad idea. She knew that Genosha had been using the Marauders to bring mutants back to Genosha, but the Mutant Underground Network was already established. They had their own Underground Railroad, now with a destination that could - with the exception of the recent tragedy - keep mutants safe. And Veil liked that they'd be taking Xavier's power away from him - that his ego would take a hit. [color=935DB8]"Think of what the Underground could do with Genosha's resources, too,"[/color] Veil pointed out. [color=935DB8]"Half of our time had been devoted to just finding food to eat, think of all the mutants we could have helped if we had our basic needs met."[/color] "Well, I'm not making any money," Blob said, before bursting out into a full belly laugh. "Not that anyone else is here. I can't help but overhear, y'all are going to New Orleans? I could use a way to work out my feelings if you need anyone squished." Veil glanced at Callie - and then past her, to where she could see Sunshine and Marrow making out in a corner, and her brother still standing eerily still with Legion. [color=935DB8]"We'd be happy to have you, Blob. How are you at graverobbing?"[/color] [b]Akademos...[/b] "Ooo, is that Penderyn Whiskey?!" Pixie squealed, her eyes lighting up as she accepted the glass. "If you keep these coming, we can talk about whatever you want," she joked, before taking a sip. She smiled, her eyes closing for a moment. She was Welsh and while she loved Genosha, she missed her home in Wales at time. This drink happened to take her back there, at least in her head. "Also, let's get sushi. I'm starving. You can make sushi appear, right? My food magic is rubbish." [b]Outside the Hospital...[/b] Casper was relieved when they made it to the hospital - a new one for him, he tended to not really like going to places like this, doctors weren't usually a fan of Casper's life choices. But as they were here, it meant that they could get little Daniel Elliot checked out, and also that there would be a doctor there making sure that Casper hadn't already ruined everything. A stray thought then popped into his mind - it had been a while since he had gotten a new tattoo, but he wanted to get one. Something of James and Daniel - of his own little family. [color=DBA1DE]"Hey, we know he's not a vampire now,"[/color] Casper joked slightly about the phone. [color=DBA1DE]"So... I'm not the best at, like, asking to see a doctor for things or picking up things at the hospital... I tend to not really be conscious for this part, more used to waking up and being told [i]hey man, you can't OD in here[/i] or whatever it is doctors say so... Can you take the lead?"[/color] Casper asked sheepishly. Basically, Casper, the person who never shut up, was uncomfortable at the idea of talking to whoever was at the front desk of the hospital. The world was a strange place. [b]The Rebuilt House of M...[/b] Magneto returned all of the flying metal bits back to the ground, before gliding down there as well himself, his cape flowing dramatically behind him. [color=FF5733]"You are my ward - my child, by adoption but my child all the same - so I expect to be informed as to [i]how[/i] you were able to summon a winged horse of legend,"[/color] Magneto said simply. [color=FF5733]"Just who are you, Valkyrie?"[/color] He then paused for a moment. [color=FF5733]"You both did well. However, you lack focus when it comes to accomplishing your tasks. You made many unneeded moves that wasted your time and power. Learning to communicate with one another better will serve you well. The humans will not go as easy on you as I did."[/color] [b]Blackstone...[/b] It might have been Jack's imagination, but it would look to him like the portraits on the walls of Selene were watching him. As he moved, their eyes would move to follow him. There was something on the walls that wasn't a portrait, however. There was a conspicuously placed bookcase, filled with dusty books. Well, almost all of them were dusty. There was one area void of dust, as if one book was routinely pulled off. This definitely won't remind him of a secret passageway in a mansion, nope not at all... From upstairs, Selene's voice would come drifting down. [i]"Honestly, Jumbo, I appreciate your work but I don't think you can outdo my couture. I have perfected the sexy vampire queen look over the millennia. Since time immemorial, I have [b]slayed[/b]."[/i] A man's voice - a bit high pitched - replied. [i]"It is a stunning look, but isn't it, well...? It's been done before, girl. It's time to mix it up, to wow us again. No one should be sleeping on your look at the Gala!"[/i] [i]"Hmph. If you were a virgin, you would be in a volcano right now,"[/i] Selene complained. [i]"And get me an earl grey to drink, will you? Either the tea or a grey-haired earl, I'm not picky."[/i] [i]"I'm a fashion designer, not your butler."[/i] [i]"And?"[/i] [b]Hellfire Bay...[/b] Renegade hadn't always been good at "responsibility" or "showing up on time" or "not leaving work to go get drunk." It had been one of Magneto's largest complaints back when she had joined the Brotherhood. Rules weren't really her style - she preferred to go with the flow. She got things done when she got things done. But in old age, Renegade had gotten a bit more responsible - at least, enough that she thought for a moment before she... Wait, nope, she didn't think about it at all. "God, yes," Renegade said. "Later, bitches," she then said, throwing up a peace sign as her way of saying [i]goodbye[/i] to the others she had been working with. She then glanced at the kid. "Later, bitches!" Mongoose repeated, waving at the telekinetics. "What's bitches mean?" she then asked Miranda. [hider=OOC Note - the Ritual]You can use a magic ritual of three to attempt mutant resurrection, provided you can recover their body. You will only be able to bring back [i]one[/i] mutant at this time. At the conclusion of the RP, you may attempt to resurrect other mutants. [i](I will say that not everyone will be resurrect-able, so you'll have about 2-3 resurrections allotted to you.)[/i] Select who you would like to attempt resurrection on and let me know on the Discord - I think the easiest thing to do would be to collab the resurrection ritual and post it as the 'end' of this chapter. [/hider]