[color=fff79a][indent][indent][center][img]https://i.imgur.com/aSUYVwy.jpg?1[/img] [color=crimson][b]LOCATION[/b][/color] — [url=https://images.squarespace-cdn.com/content/5702f42b45bf2107c8a72d65/1459818926099-CTLCKRK8R9MR2SY55FUA/image-asset.jpeg?content-type=image%2Fjpeg]Food Truck Station, Angel Grove[/url] [color=crimson][b]INTERACTIONS[/b][/color] — Everyone including new hot chick [sub][@OGSG] [@Hey Im Jordan] [@Hey Im Jordan] [@Akayaofthemoon] [@Fabricant451][/sub][hr][/center] [color=yellow]"What should we do here guys?"[/color] [color=crimson]"That's a good question."[/color] Jackson struggled to get up. The freak that had gut-lanced him in his stomach stood a few feet away and they seemed to be enjoying seeing poor Jackson. Would have been poorer if he had paid for those damn quesadillas, which probably weren't important in the grander scheme of things but Jackson was still pretty bummed. He gladly accepted Dre's help to...well help [i]him[/i] to his feet. To be honest, Jackson wasn't sure what they [i]could[/i] do. They tried to stop and all three of them got their asses beat. Jackson hated losing and he hated it even more because deep down, he actually tried to do something that wasn't to his benefit (at least not fully). People were afraid and running for their lives and these...things with the lances...javelins -- honestly, he didn't know. Jackson didn't study anything close to freakyweaponology. He was just taking classes that might point him towards something involving cars and engines. And now he was thinking about all of the things he never did and how it was likely he, Su, Dre, and those other two girls were about to meet their maker. ...Not that Jackson was super religious or anything, but it was a figure of speech. [color=crimson]"Damn and I was hoping to have some food before I died."[/color] Yeah, he's still stuck on food. He never thought he'd get six feet under on an empty stomach. As Jackson started to ponder if he should pray, there was something coming from the smoke. Five bright lights that were strangely colored almost all colors of the rainbow and they went fucking ham on the group of freaks that literally gave him, Dre, and Su the hardest time of their lives to just hold their ground, yet floating crystals were not able to strike them down but cause a damn explosion? [color=crimson]"What's up with that!?"[/color] He exclaimed, shielding his eyes from the brightness of the blast that the floating crystals caused. And now they were in front of the five of them. [color=crimson]"What the hell?"[/color] Jackson looked around. [color=crimson]"You guys seeing this? These things are floating. How is this even possible!?"[/color] He saw Su and Dre had one in front of them. Dre had a yellow one and Su had blue. Meanwhile, Jackson's was red. [color=crimson]"This is so fucking wild! I don't even know what to say..."[/color] [color=silver]"The Power Crystals have chosen you five--"[/color] [color=crimson]"Right..Power Crystals. Wait what!?"[/color] He was in such a daze cause of the floating thing that Jackson hadn't realized a super hot babe had shown up. Leaning closer to Dre, Jackson whispered, [color=crimson]"yo she's fucking hot, bro. You think I have a shot?"[/color] He asked Dre, now wondering if he did, in fact, have a shot with that totally smoking chick. He could definitely romance the fuck out of her. As he watched Dre completely ignore him (how rude!) and grab his yellow thingy, Jackson shrugged and figured he'd do the same. When he did, he felt a weird sensation through his left arm. It was all tingly. Like someone had put one of them vibrating things for chairs all over his entire body. It felt nice, but then the crystal phased through his entire arm. HIS ENTIRE ARM! it went through it like Kitty Pryde did through walls and went inside him, through his heart. For a moment, Jackson felt nothing. There were no adverse effects of him consuming that weird stone. [color=crimson]"That's it? Thought it would be more than that--"[/color] And then he felt it. Something so numbing and rejuvenating at the same time that Jackson couldn't think straight. Everything in him from thoughts to physical reactions to the hairs all over his body -- everything was electrified and not in the The Rock kind of way. He wasn't the most electrifying man in sports entertainment today, but rather, as the surge of whatever he was experiencing subsided, Jackson felt different. The pain in his gut was no longer there and he realized something else. He couldn't explain it because what literally just happened to was too surreal to process right now, but he was feeling...stronger. Faster. It was like this extra something was added to his already impressive physical capabilities. And then on his wrist, some odd wristwatch appeared. On his left wrist. [color=crimson]"Whoa, is this the new smartwatch? It looks so cool!"[/color] [color=silver]"That... is your Power Morpher. It allows you to access the Morphin Grid to transform into a Power Ranger,"[/color] Jackson made an [color=crimson]"ah"[/color] sound and nodded his head. [color=crimson]"Yeah, that's what I thought it was."[/color] After a few seconds of nodding like he actually understood what that hot chick meant, he had a delayed reaction and his eyes widened. First, he was staring at the watch, then to hot chick, then back to the watch, and then at hot chick again. [color=crimson]"Wait, Power Morpher? And what's this about a Morphin Grid? And what the hell is a power ranger? Is that like a Park Ranger - but better?"[/color] So many questions coursed through his brain. Jackson hadn't been this full of questions since the ending of Shutter Island. Truly some intense mind-boggling stuff. [/indent][/indent][/color]