[Center][Sup][i]'May the Odds be ever in your favor.'[/i][/Sup] [img]https://thumbs.gfycat.com/AmpleVigilantBichonfrise-max-1mb.gif[/img] [Sup][i]'Hear now the words of the witches, the secrets we hid in the night..'[/i][/Sup][/Center][hr] [Center][Color=Gold]Welcome to the Hunger Games. An entrainment game designed by the leaders of Panem, that places innocents from all 12 districts against each other, into one arena. This year, nothing is as it seems. The leaders aren't whom they claim to be. The games more dangerous than ever before. This year, the tributes discover secrets not only about themselves; but about the world they live in. What alliances will be formed during the games? Who will survive and win the games? And what dangers will 2 tributes have to fend off, after the games are over? Panem will either crumble and face a rebellion, or win a long secret war that's in the making.[/Color][/Center] [Hider=Districts] [Center][img]https://static3.srcdn.com/wordpress/wp-content/uploads/2019/06/hunger-games-panem-map-districts-1-to-12.jpg?q=50&fit=crop&w=740&h=370&dpr=1.5[/img][/Center] [b]District 1:[/b] Luxury. Richest members of Panem. [b]District 2:[/b] Masonry and weapon manufacturing. [b]District 3:[/b] Technology. [b]District 4:[/b] Fishing Industry. [b]District 5:[/b] Power and Electricity. [b]District 6:[/b] Transport. [b]District 7:[/b] Lumber. [b]District 8:[/b] Textiles industry. [b]District 9:[/b] Grain production. [b]District 10: [/b]Livestock. [b]District 11:[/b] Agriculture. [b]District 12:[/b] Poorest district in Panem. Coal Mining.[/Hider] [Hider=Character Sheet Layout] [Center]Full Name Here [Sup]Image/Gif of Character Here[/Sup] Age: Gender: Eye Color: Hair Color: Height: District: Personality: [Sup]Positive Trait ~ Negative Trait ~ Positive Trait ~ Negative Trait ~ Positive Trait ~ Negative Trait[/Sup] Weapons: [Sup]Images can be provided.[/Sup] Magical Abilities: [Sup]Only for the Charmed Descendants/Demons.[/Sup] [Sup]Images/Gifs of Character here[/Sup] Short Bio: [/Center][/Hider] [Hider=NPC Character Layout] [Center]Full Name Here [Sup]Image or Gif Here[/Sup] Age: | Gender: | Eye Color: | Hair Color: | Height: Age at which they won previous games: | Mentor for District: Magical Abilities: [Sup]Only for Demon NPC'S[/Sup] [/Center] [/Hider]