[Center][img]https://www.feistees.com/images/uploads/2012/01/district-1-hunger-games-t-shirt.jpg[/img][/Center] [Center]Dante Maverick Ackhurst [img]https://64.media.tumblr.com/8b3b5b46994cd47cce1cd65a55bcac1a/tumblr_inline_o2g9b3jh811rifr4k_500.gif[/img] Age: 20 Gender: Male Eye Color: sectoral heterochromia; blue, one is half blue-half brown. Hair Color: Blonde Height: 6'0" District: 1 Personality: [Sup]Confident ~ Jealous ~ Determined ~ Meddlesome ~ Good-Natured ~ Impatient[/Sup] [Hider=Weapons] [Sup]Collection of daggers.[/Sup] [img]https://cdnb.artstation.com/p/media_assets/images/images/000/535/321/large/Layer_3.jpg?1581375151[/img][/Hider] [img]https://64.media.tumblr.com/9371ca1282d850105c1691d627e4d5b8/tumblr_o13tnjgRl41qf286vo2_250.gifv[/img][img]https://64.media.tumblr.com/018cd5d6b57fa7718719a5bf912730be/tumblr_o13rkrRs4z1uqhxuno3_250.gifv[/img] Short Bio: Growing up in the richest district, most people think that he's a spoilt brat that only cares about himself. But they are wrong. Dante might come of as confident in certain situations, but he has a good heart and will defend those he is close to. But will stop at nothing, at trying to spoil good opportunities for his rivals; especially when it comes to the Games. If he can ensure that his rivals end up loosing somehow, than Dante will try and see to that, the best of his abilities. He has pretty fast reflexes and lethal in combat; despite it being the first year is he competing. [/Center][hr] [Center]Kira Jasmine Smith [img]https://i.gifer.com/OVIR.gif[/img] Age: 17 Gender: Female Eye Color: Azure Blue Hair Color: Dark Brown Height: 5'6" District: 1 *NPC* Personality: [Sup]Creative ~ Provocative ~ Observant ~ Spoilt ~ Logical ~ Venomous *Unintentional*[/Sup] [Hider=Weapons] [Sup]Bow and arrows.[/Sup] [img]https://media.istockphoto.com/photos/bow-arrows-historic-desk-sunny-day-picture-id1338663277?b=1&k=20&m=1338663277&s=170667a&w=0&h=LcNSwEFba1i64YCMVUj9wOre3RYn35FZhCpkxz98bJg=[/img][/Hider] [img]https://64.media.tumblr.com/7308829a630d63fa916cf0473eeda8e1/tumblr_mip972DnD31rtemcdo1_250.gif[/img][img]https://64.media.tumblr.com/4978281286362b78c9c206c2b0ef824e/tumblr_mpac2xWj6b1rshr5to5_250.gif[/img] Short Bio: Growing up in District 1, Kira has been somewhat spoilt by her parents having everything she wanted. More often than not, she will come off as venomous and cold to those that she doesn't know, without meaning to. But really, she is a strong independent young woman with smarts, that will use creative ways of dealing with her rivals in the arena. If anyone can spot something wrong in the games; Kira will be one of the few to do so. She also takes pleasure in provoking the enemy, knowing that they will let their guard down if she makes them angry enough. Kira is a skilled archer, fast runner and a good climber. [/Center]