[center][color=00a99d][h2]Vigil[/h2][/color][/center] Making one's way through the busy streets of Fenhall would be a challenge for anyone, but for someone as large and inexperienced with city life as Vigil, it was near impossible. It didn't help that his tail, currently morphed into the form of a makeshift club, had a habit of swishing from to side to side like that of an agitated cat whenever he was anxious, which in a crowd like this, he certainly was. He grunted and growled what could have either been apologises or curses under his breath as he attempted to weave through the crowd towards the castle. As he did so, he seemed to note another heading in the same direction as him - a Wooden One woman, who seemed to be navigating her way through the city much easier and more confidently than he was. He quickened his pace to catch up to the woman, keeping a couple of paces behind her while essentially using her as a way to keep track of where he was among the sea of strangers.