[@Siber] Hey, checked the character. There are a few things that we would have to address lore-wise regarding her past, but that I cannot type right now! Nothing terrible don't worry, it's just there is so much details in my head that it was impossible for me to list every possible infos about the world in the OOC. :P Just wanted to let you know I've seen it. [@Rune_Alchemist] Sent you a message regarding Liora. Also a few things to discuss. [h3][u][b]EDIT[/b][/u][/h3] Some modification was done in the OOC Concept section. I will post it here, it's also up there. I tried to explain the character original concept better, as I know from experience of having ran it before that it's the one thing people get confused about. [b][color=ed1c24]The Envoys are programmed with a 'primary function' of; Serving the Pantheon, being loyal to it and accomplishing the mission they were sent on Edanica for, regardless of who their host body was and who they worshipped. That being said, you won't be machines. After the merge, the original host is effectively gone, dead, but remnants of it's mind and emotions and memories remain and affect the Envoy who's own personality will now be affected by those mementos at varying degrees (you decide). When they merge with the host, this is where they gain their particular personality/idiosyncrasies and overall character from...effectively creating a new being that is a combination of the host and the Envoy's original loyalties and mission. It's entirely possible, and expected, that characters will eventually meet conflicting situations from the host's past life.[/color][/b] [h3][u][b]EDIT - 2[/b][/u][/h3] Added Discord link top of the OOC. When you get in there, you can notify me on there or here and I will assign you the correct role if I did not yet!