Hey dude! To say that I [i]love[/i] this concept and would love to be a part of it is an understatement. I actually had an idea of my own in the same general ballpark that I have yet to actually try on here. Thing is, I thought I'd have a lot more free time after the contract ended on my second job. Instead, I've been even busier than before over the past week. I'm GMing two games and in another two and I just don't think that I could commit to the extent that I would want to or be able to do this awesome world justice. That means that I have to bow out. If I wasn't already in four RPGs, I'd be on board. Anyways, I know that player drops happen because life is life and, if any of the games that I'm in conclude soon I'd be quite eager to return to this before looking for anything new. Basically: if you're looking for any replacements in the future, DM me. If I can find some bandwidth, I remain very interested. Just... [i]currently[/i] unable to responsibly act on that interest. You deserve an engaged and committed playerbase.