[indent][img] https://see.fontimg.com/api/renderfont4/oveV/eyJyIjoiZnMiLCJoIjoxMzAsInciOjIwMDAsImZzIjo2NSwiZmdjIjoiI0Q0MEMwQyIsImJnYyI6IiNGRkZGRkYiLCJ0IjoxfQ/QSBKIEEgWA/blade-2.png[/img][/indent] [color=red][sub][i]Location | The Crow’s Nest Time | February 24[sup]th[/sup] - Evening Interaction | Dallas [@Pantothenic][/i][/sub][hr][/color] The Sword hadn’t exactly rested easy the night before. The idea of a renegade group of revenants was nothing new, as the Commune themselves could be considered such. Further, with the recent shortage of blood beads, groups relocating from one area to another to search wasn’t uncommon. One that could be hunting for one of their newer members presented problems because there was no current knowledge of their capabilities. With no knowledge of their capabilities, there’d be little means to counter them. Knowing what he knew made him somewhat anxious, decidingly remaining on watch throughout the night. In that time, he did what he could to repair the little stuffed horse, putting it with the other little trinkets that he’d found that reminded him of [i]her[/i]. He kept them in the drawer of the desk that held his journal on top, which also held the prior day’s events. In all, the mission was a success, as they completed their goal with no casualties. In terms of team synergy, it needed improvement. Their first battle was won with injuries that required rather early use of their blood pack supply, as well as the endangerment of the humans. When the Provisional Government’s agents returned, Ajax wasn’t so happy to see them. To be fair, he never was, so their praise meant little to nothing to him. What struck him though, was their snaking way of convincing the others to give up Ionna. Disillusioned by their tactics and reasoning long ago, Ajax knew that these men were only going to give the child a week to adjust before looking for a way to exploit her. Cerberus wasn’t against taking child revenants into their ranks to be tools, and even fed them the idea of it being ‘a great honor’…However, there were worse fates. Regarding the Ruined City situation, Ajax brought it up to Erik earlier this morning. As it seemed, his comrade had found more alarming evidence of his own. A pile of ash in the music store without Lost lingering in the area implied the notion of a revenant falling to another incorrupt one. All of this pointed to the fact that they needed to talk to Dallas about this group, given that there was some sort of connection. Erik had put Ajax up to the task of confronting him, and while he would have done it straight away, he needed rest by that point. Thus, he slept through a good portion of the day while the others were awake. Upon waking though, came the realization that the lot of them were planning the celebration of sorts. Preparation that Dallas was helping out with…Ajax was stern, but he wasn’t without care to nuance. Moreover, allowing him to have that time would also likely loosen him up to giving information he might not have if he felt targeted. It would likely still feel intrusive that Ajax had ‘spied’ on him, but that could possibly be reconciled with time and communication. As he exited his room and started down the hall though, he noted activity nearer to Desmond and Amelia’s room. Some development was going on with the young man’s perpetually comatose sister, as his superhuman hearing had informed him. As others seemed to be handling it, he felt no need to investigate as he’d likely only be in the way. Instead, he kept walking towards the Great Room. With the little celebration seemingly on a ‘break’, now seemed as good a time as any to pull Dallas aside. Which seemed convenient, as when Ajax was entering, Dallas seemed to be heading towards the kitchen. Briefly studying the room, he took note of Vincent and Cerise; the latter of which he offered a small smile and nod in acknowledgement. Refocusing on the task at hand though, Aj spoke up. [color=red]”Dallas, a word…please.”[/color]