The sewers...? It would be a lie to say that Hoshiko wasn't apprehensive about going down there. She definitely didn't want to touch the water, or to even spend any more time down there then she could need to. Certainly, this treatment area didn't look gross, but there was no telling what it would be like deeper in. But... It was the difference between life and death for plenty of people. Her personal feelings about the sewer being gross didn't matter nearly as much as human lives. Hoshiko took a deep breath. "Hinotori, ignite!" The familiar sensation of light and heat washing over her body struck, her clothing replaced in seconds by the frame's underlayer, then the armor itself, and then finally the most complex portions that made for much of Hinotori's shape. She took a step towards the sewer entrance. "Okay, it might be super gross down there, but we've got to make sure everyone's safe!" she declared, steeling herself to lead the way into sewer. If there were Warped down there, she'd do everything she could to clear them out! [@PKMNB0Y][@Laduguer][@Mole]