[center][img]https://images2.imgbox.com/a8/b5/xHNz9NyO_o.png[/img][/center] [hr] She looked down at the tool, seeing as the arcanist had, in her final bid, used drawing to destroy her scalpel. It was petty to say the least. It seemed while they were effective as a greyborn they were sub-par as a mage if the most creative final assault on them amounted to so little. Within a second Trypano formed a tiny titanium bead between her finger tips, growing it out into a shape functionally similar to her last tool. The metal was like flowing water, pooling in the air into a steady form as she shaped it into being. With this new tool she was back to peak effectiveness. Perhaps if she were more sentimental then losing a trusty scalpel might've been more impactful. As it was the craftmanship on the last one though elegant was no more effective than a basic scalpel, let alone this one. Luckily despite tunneling through the dirt it seemed her journey ended in an underground water pocket, washing most of the dirt that was on her off for the most part. She drew apart the mud with careful, surgical precision, replacing any epidermal tissue lost in the process as she went. It took little time until only her costume was splotched with dirt and mud stains. She wasn't about to attempt to draw the independent elements for fear of destroying the articles in the process. She could afford to be muddy more than she could afford to be naked, [i]especially[/i] in this crowd. There were far too many individuals who'd create way too many problems if that were to occur. It wasn't like she could just leave them on the island either, a very sticky situation. _ She walked in measured stride towards the group, showing no indication of her emotions if there were any. There was no reaction to Benedetto's comment regarding their dead comrade nor to their death itself. Her air was one of cold function, a steely mind operating behind a porcelain mask. [color=crimson]"We'll need a couple people to go rescue Onarr from that kinetic mage out past the shore, provided he still lives."[/color] She offered instruction to the group in general, leaving the specifics up to them. She strode with purpose up to the cushion she created for the princess, stepping up onto the soft material and leaning past it's edge to see her prone form resting in peaceful unconsciousness. She reached out into her body, scanning for damage and continued chemical imbalance which she promptly rectified. [color=crimson]"Ingrid, do check for continued radioactivity in the princess. Due to her proximity to the atomic mage I want to make sure she isn't experiencing continued affects as a result of exposure. Once she's awake we can discuss what she knows regarding the crew for The Maria Nera's plans for her and the holy item."[/color] She leaned up after laying down her assessment, looking back over at Ismette and Benedetto. [color=crimson]"Given the destruction we've drawn more than our fair share of attention from the majority of the island. Perhaps you and Benedetto should go de-incentivize any gathering pirate crews from interfering further in our work."[/color] While it was likely that this could be a problem seeing as how them bringing so much destruction wasn't likely to endear them to the locals the truth of the matter was that it was better for them to keep benedetto separated from the princess for the most part. He seemed unstable and that could prove a liability, especially if he attempts to ply his [i]charms[/i] to her. Ismette was picked largely as a means of keeping Benedetto in check or otherwise mitigating the escalation of their conflict. They had dispatched a fair number of mages already but there was the possibility that there remained a few more who had remained neutral towards them. Only the slightest apologetic look peaked through her cold expression as she mainly looked over in Ismette's direction when addressing the two as she was basically asking her to take on one of the less desirable tasks available to them currently. [hr] Interacting with - [@Force and Fury],[@Th3King0fChaos],[@dragonpiece] & [@Bork Lazer]