[center][h2]The Reckoning - Part 1[/h2][/center] [center][img]https://i.imgur.com/3rBq8ko.jpg[/img] [/center] JP/collab from [@Gunther], [@wanderingwolf], and [@sail3695] [b]Rex Black[/b] is a character created by [@Psych0pomp] Cal waited. His hands occupied themselves with the hinge of his silver cigarette case. [i]flip[/i] Of all the people they could have taken; her the youngest, brightest kid onboard. [i]flip[/i] That eye, swollen double. That jaw, taped shut. That gash across her cheek. [i]flip[/i] And Joseph Hooker lay somewhere in the middle of it with the leader’s condition: “Have him at the meet. He skips out, you can kiss your little girl goodbye.” The thought made his blood boil. Joe's face on that capture. His blurred fist as it painted a target on Abigail. Even as it sent them all straight into [i]Da Shiong La Se La Ch’wohn Tian.[/i] (tr: The explosive diarrhea of an elephant) He pulled a cigarette from the case. "You shouldn't smoke in here," came Sam’s a resolute voice from behind his shoulder. "I'm the captain. Mean's I get to do what I want." The lighter's flame punctuated his statement. "That stuff will kill you, you know." "Somethin's gotta." He took a long drag, "But not afore I hear the part Hook played in bringing this [i]la shi[/i] to my door." Finding the cook was more challenging than he reckoned. Usually about this time, Hook would be in the galley, putting the spurs to some sort of lunch plan. But today, there was just a woman he’d not seen before. On any other day, the sight of some pretty would’ve changed his course a bit…but not today. Not after what he’d just seen. “Beg pardon, ma’am,” the First Mate said. “Have you seen Hook?” Edina Wyman turned from the frying pan she’d found lying next to the stove. “No,” she gave the familiar face a smile. “Just got here myself. You’re Rex.” “All day long,” he nodded as he shook the offered hand. “Edina,” she answered the unvoiced question. “I got on at New Melbourne. Gonna fly with you to Osiris. The friendly smile held steady, though she noted a more serious veil behind the man’s eyes. “Care to share what’s on the captain’s mind?” Rex turned. “That’s for the captain to say, ma’am. Can I ask a favor? If you see Hook, Let ‘im know the Captain needs him in the cockpit?” “Count on me,” she said to his back as he hurried off. “Nice meeting you, Rex.” Well Hook had been in the galley earlier. He started a pot of coffee and was going to work on making some coffee rolls, but then decided he needed to take that shower instead. He was a bit exhausted from the night he had, but cleaning up took priority. Once the shower ended, he strolled back to his quarters unaware of what was going on in the ship. He needed to get dressed before he returned to the galley to make the coffee rolls and anything else the crew or its passengers might need. “Hey, Hook,” Rex caught up to the man. “Captain needs you on the bridge. Now.” “No problem, Mistah Black.” Joe went back to his quarters. He dressed in navy blue coveralls, his usual work boots and then slipped the gunbelt containing the Ruger Redhawk in its holster. The gunbelt was just a standard appliance he was accustomed to wearing. He had it on him the night before, but never considered using it. Within a few minutes, He was up on the bridge, “You wanna see me, Cap’n?” ………….To Be Continued…………