[center][h1][color=cyan]Kanbaru Otoko[/color] [/h1][img]http://66.media.tumblr.com/51fc61ac770a524e9468f174afa94d7f/tumblr_inline_n1xc79Kcic1rb3m8r.png[/img][/center] For all the force that they could bring to bear and the power could leverage, it soon became crystal clear that the Abyss was a prison for monsters. Monsters like Nephy and Runa who had endured the creeping fog of death and everything else which lived there and only seemed to grow stronger from it. Even the JSTR could not dim Kanbaru's awe at finding her subversion of the lances countered so quickly, and even if Nephuna would hardly be using them either, they were more a detriment then a weapon in Kanbaru's hands. Eyes of blood amidst fathomless water took note of the ancient wolves joining the battle, the grand irony of an undead priestess endeavoring to kill the very avatar of Death itself a delicious treat gone untouched in the mealstrom of conflict. It was growing akin to a pitched battle against armies at this point but the scale would not escalate further, as Nephuna drew her power into the calamitous edge of a weapon marrying the signature weapons of both wolf and demon. Kanbaru had no choice but to accept she alone could not halt it's swing. For once she acknowledged she simply hadn't the power that the two-as-one possessed, and she required more. Kanbaru released the haywire spear shut her eyes as two cards drifted through the water untouched and settled into her porous hands. The Spawn of Greed and the Mad Virus. Though their personalities where like water and oil she felt an affinity for their desires, and at the juncture before her she needed not their aid but their might. The water curled and crushed, meshing the cards into herself as the two Serei were absorbed. It was wrong, an erosion of what morals she held dear, but as the Serei washed over and through her Kanbaru knew the time for such was well and truly in the past. Nephy would survive this, and nothing more would be promised. With the Serei infused like two devils upon her shoulder, Kanbaru's command of water ceased to be sporting. She reached into her allies from Thomas to Akiko and invigorated them. Perfection of bloodflow, a ceaseless muscle system, and the subtle reinforcement of their every motion as they had no choice but to put their all into each action. What was the sovereignty and sanctity of allies bodies when she needed them to do better? Nephuna's nature made playing with her body a non-starter, too time consuming to even hope for, but her wolves? They popped like balloons. Bones snapping under the pressure of every drop of blood expelling itself with sudden force, while the undead samurai and priestess would begin to shrivel in their vestements as they expelled their fluids in a steam of evaporation. Unlikely to be a killing blow on its own, but even the staunchiest of warriors will be easily felled if their arms wither to sticks and their fingers struggle to pluck the string of their bow. Shimmering portals of golden radiance opened from void to void, candlelights banishing the darkness of data as weapons uncountable poured out into Kanbaru's raging waters and an equal infinitude of hands grasped them. Some echo of Henry exulted in finally having the means to use all that he hoarded, and the whale unleashed him with nary a grunt as she turned fully to the blessings of the Mad Virus. A being that existed as data and could match the JSTR by its lonesome. Now they worked together and slammed against Nephuna's grasp upon the Tower floor like the jaws of a bear trap. For while the corpse wolf and demon may have grown accostomed to the taste of the JSTR, the Corpse Collector was a savage berserker after Nephy's own heart. Data twisted and screamed, a deluge of scrap code filling in the gaps deleted in the assault upon the Tower while the JSTR cemented it in their influence. As formless beings of nascent power warred for reality Kanbaru dispersed, popping like a soab bubble only to emerged closer upon the tides directly before the snarling wolf demon. In hard hands was not her own blade or a weapon from the vaults, but a set of chains and an open collar of unquestionable metal. It brooked no dissent in its integrity, an unbreakable instrument of domination. The chains that could bind a Hound of Tindalos were beyond time and space, and now Kanbaru lunged to clap them around Nephuna's neck as the crackling spear of calamity thrummed ominiously at her hip.