The dull throbbing in Kurt’s back continued as he booted up his mobile suit. The modified, beat up Graze hummed with energy as its computer systems turned on, the HUD appearing in front of Kurt. As the mobile suit came alive, Kurt placed his normal suit helmet on his head, completing his readiness for sortie. As he placed his hands on the controls, Kurt and his Graze was lowered onto the catapult deck. As the feet of the purple mobile suit was lined up on the tracks of the catapult, Kurt took a deep breath in, still feeling the Alaya Vijinana System connection course throughout his body. Kurt then announced himself on the comms channel, “Kurt, taking off in the Graze.” Kurt’s Graze then shout out from the catapult, following his comrades into space. Kurt gritted his teeth against the G-force, trying to keep his hands stable on the controls. Once the Graze was a decent ways away from the Mercurial Witch, Kurt looked at his display, currently seeing nothing but space debris. Mick then sent over the wave signature of the mobile suit they were looking for. But before Kurt could thank him, the Captain told the pilots to stay on their leash and remember where they have to return. Through gritted teeth, Kurt said a yes captain over the comms. Holly then took the lead, being the first to get a visual on the mobile suit. According to Mick it was a Schwalbe Graze, a rare mobile suit. All Kurt knew about that suit is that it was a better version of his Graze, especially since his was not in pristine condition. But what was more interesting to Kurt was the Gjallarhorn ship. Usually they didn’t bother to patrol this area. Martyn then offered a possible scenario, that Gjallarhorn was looking for something of value. While it was an interesting idea, Kurt was dubious about it. Usually the best you found in the debris field was some spare parts or maybe an engine if you were lucky. But Martyn kept with his idea, saying that they should take the pilot of the Schwalbe Graze alive. He then gave some orders, to which Kurt wondered who made him commander. But he followed the commands, seeing that unity would be needed in this battle. Kurt guided his Graze Cosmo to along the sides of the Gjallarhorn mobile suit, raising his old 120mm rifle. As Kurt flanked the yellow Graze variant, Thom said he felt like something big was going to happen. Kurt hoped that the fellow Graze pilot was wrong. Given how hard their last battle had been, Kurt wished that this one would be as simple as a five on one. “Just be ready,” said Kurt over the comms channel, “We don’t know if they have any other suits to sortie.” As Kurt spoke, he caused his mobile suit to raise its rifle, trying to line it up with Schwalbe Graze. He then continued to take deep breaths, ready to fire as soon as the battle began.