[center][img]https://i.imgur.com/DVjv2A1.png?1[/img] [img]https://i.imgur.com/PIt6O9j.png[/img][/center] [hr][color=gold]Location:[/color] Isla d'Amato [hr][color=gold]Interactions:[/color] Trypano [@A Lowly Wretch], Desmond [@Th3King0fChaos], Amelea, Nerio, Benedetto, and Ismet'ych'lahin'dichora [@Force and Fury], Onarr [@Bork Lazer] [hr][hr] Ingrid only caught a glimpse of the Atomic mage's escape with the princess. The bullet had failed to find its mark and she had just spent some energy incinerating Trypano's enemy. Ingrid could grit her teeth as the princess was whisked away. Wvysen had died, Onarr could be dead, and she hasn't even seen Penny or Benedetto in this fight. The shame she would have felt about failing so terribly had little time to set in before a sickening crash could be heard from the Atomic mage's direction. The Atomic mage was cracked into by none other than Benedetto, sending the princess falling and the captor whirling. Ingrid believed that the princess would be saved by Trypano for no more reason than a basic level of trust, after all, she managed during the fight. Benedetto was loud, screaming things that she could only imagine a power-crazed child to yell. A scary occurrence as Benedetto has proven that he is much stronger than the atomic mage and completely untouchable to where Ingrid was. Just how weak am I? was all Ingrid could think. She knew she wasn't trained in actual combat but this was a difference in pure use of the gift. Ingrid was completely outclassed by the Atomic mage and was a candle in the wind compared to Benedetto. This realization of her weakness was only compounded when the Greyborn had shown up again to attack Desmond and he ended it without even a scratch. She realized that the only thing she could probably do here is put out the fires before they spread to the rest of the town. She absorbed the energy out of the fires to extinguish them then transferring the heat into a wave of hot air that made its way to the forest as a small heatwave. With the fire out, Ingrid watched as Benedetto return covered in blood that was obviously not his own. Ingrid grew meek in the presence of Benedetto, especially after he described this feat as nothing. That meekness and self-doubt were replaced with scorn when he commented on Wvysen's death. To make fun of a comrade's death, especially when you were apparently spending time with a hooker was inconceivable. This scorn built and almost came to a head until Ingrid remembered just who she would be scorning. Benedetto, a child that killed the Atomic mage without issue and could very easily do the same to her. Scorn turned to rational cowardice. Ingrid was embarrassed by how spineless she was in front of someone stronger than her. Trypano moved to start giving commands on what to do next. [color=8882be][i]Oh right[/i][/color], Ingrid thought,[color=8882be][i] this wasn't even the end of the mission they had to still dispose of the pirate captain and acquire the artifact.[/i][/color] Trypano's instructions were met with just a nod as Ingrid made her way and felt the energies inside of the princess. There wasn't much in her but there was enough that it made Ingrid feel uncomfortable leaving in her. Ingrid place her hand on her head and slowly started to draw out the radiation, moving her hand down her body like she was carefully removing each affected part of her. Ingrid wondered how long would she would have to stay on this mission. Her confidence was at an all-time low. She couldn't see anyone raising as much as a word against Benedetto after what he showed but she was wrong. Desmond just told him to shut the fuck up without even so much as a smile to soften it. Ingrid was immediately concerned for Desmond's wellbeing. Benedetto didn't seem to have much stability to him. Desmond was the one to go to the brothel with him originally so maybe this is more okay? More likely this was the norm and this was too much for Desmond to not say something. Ingrid agreed with him but was scared to speak up. The cowardice she was showing made her stomach turn. This wasn't like her. The first real challenge to her morals and she crumbled. Cowardice surged into disgust for herself. She couldn't stay silent. Ingrid stood up and looked towards Benedetto, still filled with fear but now had enough disgust in herself to have her act. [color=8882be]"You should be respectful to the dead Benedetto. If not for your enemies then at least for your allies. Speaking ill of the deceased only lowers you to that of a scoundrel and you are not that."[/color] Ingrid's words came out clear with no trepidation to be found in them. If she showed weakness in her words then she would lose morally as well.