[img]https://c.tenor.com/f4fz6PKeqSYAAAAC/katniss-everdeen-the-hunger-games.gif[/img] Ella M. Blackheart [img]https://bookstacked.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/11/catching-fire-image08.jpg[/img] Jay Hawk [img]https://i.gifer.com/DzbW.gif[/img] Thomas Cullen Ella looked out the window, she couldn't believe she had been picked. Nobody in her family ever was, and yet here she was. Doomed to die in the blood bath, she was from district 12 her mentor Jay had told her that she could win if she played smart. Ella knew how she acted, she didn't trust anyone therefore she didn't trust him. He looked at her, "[color=00aeef]Are you ok? You seem worried."[/color] She looked up and put on a fake smile "[color=ed1c24]I'm fine. . . According to you anyway, I have nothing to worry about[/color]" she paused and stood up. "[color=ed1c24] Why don't you just face it I'm going to die. No matter what I do. [/color]" Ella looked to Thomas, her fellow District 12 tribute. Although they had almost the same color hair which was typical for her district the resemblance stopped there, her 5'3 looked short to his 6'1. The look her gave her almost made her think he was worried. "[color=92278f] Ella. . . look I'm right here with you we all are. Jay's just trying to help. You stand a chance you're good with a bow and a knife if need be[/color]" Ella's face scrunched up and Thomas's words. She knew she stood a chance if it wasn't for her powers. She was untrusting for a reason, as a descendant of one of the charmed sisters she was constantly attacked by demons. If the capital knew this she didn't know but if they ever found out she would for sure die. She nodded again to Jay's words, who one the 18 and was now 42, and to Thomas's words. When the two stood by each other they looked almost like brothers, Thomas slightly taller but skinny and Jay slightly shorter by 1 inch and more filled out. Ella just looked out the window and went back to her compartment. She wanted to and needed to be left alone. [b]Meanwile with district 4. . .[/b] [img]https://thumbs.gfycat.com/IckyVigilantKingsnake-size_restricted.gif[/img] Jake Black [img]https://64.media.tumblr.com/547263f816853f06486514faa34113b3/d574ee58f807e595-40/s540x810/12cb017399c8f10248242d0ef00365a9cd92b146.gifv[/img] Elexia Freedom. Elexia would arrive at the capital in a little under 2 hours, the district 12 train would arrive last. She wasn't too worried about them though, she'd seen how they looked. The girl looked small and helpless, and the boy although tall looked like he could be snapped in half. She wasn't worried though, however, Jake looked scared and worried. Elexia had a long line of game luck in her family even this year's mentor Jacob Freedom had been her uncle until he went to the games. Elexia looked at Jake, "[color=1b1464] Jake. . . look I know were not together anymore but I want to help you. We have nothing to be worried about.[/color]" She paused and when she was waved away she left to go look at her tattoos, most were given for getting into fights. But some were for worse reasons. She was confident because she was putting on the strong facade that everybody expected from district 4. . .the fishing district. But she was in reality weak and one of the weakest in her district. Both had been volunteers for tribute, both replacing 2 little 12 year olds who didn't deserve to go into the games.