[i]Danielle rocked slowly. Back and forth, matching the steady rhythm of her daughter's breathing. Back and forth. In and out. She entered a momentary trance, watching the two month old's tiny chest move up and down, delivering a soft kiss to her damp curls. She rose from the antique rocker cautiously, careful not to wake the slumbering child. Crossing the carpeted floor of the small nursery, she reached Layla's crib, gently placing her down on her back. The crib was bare and would remain that way. Danielle couldn't count the number of fights she and Kevin had had during the first few weeks of Layla's life. Like clockwork, two hours would pass and she'd rise from her bed, squirming out of her husband's grasp to check on their daughter. Ignoring his quiet grunt of frustration, she'd quietly pad across the hallway, easing the door to the room open, holding her breath until she received what she was looking for. The sound of Layla's little breath filling her ears. According to Kevin, she was simply paranoid. There was no reason to check on her five times a night, just to ensure that she was breathing, he'd shout during arguments. Recently they'd been fighting a great deal. He blamed it on her hormones. She blamed it on his insensitivity. There'd been plenty of it to go around lately. She flinched a bit, the sound of the front door slamming, shaking the walls. "Shit," she whispered, praying that Layla didn't wake up screaming. Her tiny face scrunched up a bit but she remained asleep. "Do you have to slam that door?" she quietly hissed, marching into the living room, watching while Kevin hung up his jacket. "Hello to you too, Danny," he sighed, crossing the room, popping her with a quick kiss on the forehead. "Do you have any idea how long it took me to get her to sleep?" she continued, following him into the kitchen. "I said I was sorry, alright? I don't wanna fight tonight," he replied, a bit of bite to his voice as he pulled a beer from the fridge. Danielle chose to drop it. "Are you hungry?" she asked, thinking of the mashed potatoes and meatloaf she'd prepared earlier. Kevin shut the fridge door, shaking his head slightly. "No, Danny. Listen, I made up my mind. My mother's coming to live with us."[/i] [b]I hope you liked the scene above. I'm looking for a literature partner to continue creating the story with. You'd be resuming the role of Kevin, though I don't expect you to keep this name. We can discuss where we'd like the story to go in pms. Please include the word "rattle" in your message, so I can be sure you read through everything. Take care everyone.[/b]