[center][img]https://i.imgur.com/9LLrltA.png[/img][/center] [b]“Captain is fine, Julian,”[/b] Rossweine said. With all fortune, the Baker boy would have caught that. Maybe he should have made his preferences clearer during the first dinner. Maybe they were all too busy eating to have heard back then. Maybe he would write it down. Maybe he’d just stop bothering with corrections, if it fundamentally remained the same. Such were small worries though, compared to the trial up ahead. The first day of training was inbound, and so too would the first day of his assignment. Observation of improvement for Kai and Nathaniel. Appeasement for the Light-Blessed. And for the others? Well, he’ll still have to cut perfect enough of a figure that when he stopped showing up, they’d assume it was out of overcompetence, rather than out of slothfulness. So he nodded his greetings towards those who came after him, and he watched Julian chase after Kai, Dot shadowing them. Took another few moments to revise, to feel the meager heat seep into his bones, and let out a breath. [b]“Signar,”[/b] Rossweine spoke, [b]“Walk with me.”[/b] And with that, the captain made for the mess hall at a leisurely pace. This early in the morning, the only lineup would be that of Squad 13 and perhaps a few other early birds, after all. It was only to be expected, considering the crop that the House had harvested.