[center][img]https://i.ibb.co/DtzPDwW/Marduk-Banner.png[/img][h3]To Battle[/h3][/center][hr] The two Fomorians that surrounded Marduk would quickly be met with retaliation for their futile effort. The brazen fool who had rushed the warrior head-on would be met wit the end of Marduk's staff lunged into his face with enough force to knock him back a few yards, if not kill him outright. As for the one who had chosen to flank Marduk, he would simply step to the side, sweeping his already outstretched staff towards its direction and slamming it into its side. Its blade would simply meet Marduk's cloak, the elf being too quick to be dealt with by such a rudimentary flank. As he glanced across the field, however, Marduk would soon notice that the others weren't having as easy of a time as Marduk was in their respective battles. While the frozen knight seemed to have the safety of the children already covered, it seems that the brutish knight was having a bit more trouble with his adversary. Noting this, Marduk quickly moved to end the engagement he was currently in. With a series of strikes to its legs and arms, Marduk quickly crushed the limbs of the Fomorian he was facing before kicking him in the chest, away from the elf. Diverting his attention away from the glorified torso of his own making, Marduk then took a deep breath as he began to draw upon his Leargas once more. Before he fully committed to his trance, however, Marduk, instead chose to end the battle without the aid of his ancestors. He would run towards Reinhardt, his staff clutched tightly in one of his hands. As he closed the distance between himself and his ally, Marduk would grasp his staff with his other hand, winding it up for a strike. Utilizing the momentum of his charge and his sheer strength, the Elf would swing for the Fomorian's head as it was essentially held in place. Once more, Marduk wished to play baseball, except now he is taking the position of the batter.