[img]https://i.ibb.co/kxPvVz1/cp-qiara-decoded-animated-text.gif[/img] ...... ........ .......... The Netrunner scanned the room. First through the lens of the virtual construct which materialized in the form of the science fiction character, Kasumi. And then, through a series of screenings, pinging internal networks as she perused brief packets of data on each of the members present for the meeting. She really didn’t know much about any of them going in and wanted to be prepared for any surprises, and yet from the intel gathered within just a few seconds, she wondered if this was really the best group to pull off such a mission. Would the integrity hold? The list of cyberware on a couple of the mercs was astounding, only posing the question of whether their gear would be a liability if not kept in check. But why did this matter to Qiara? She wasn’t running the show, nor would she ever want to. A responsibility like this is not in her wheelhouse. She supposed her real concern was more about [i]trust of[/i] course. Trust in her teammates. Trust in the fixer. As well as her own interests in this new gig. The euros gained could definitely help her in upgrading some personal netgear, stuff that NightCorp never bothered to assist with as it wasn’t in alignment with the plans for their top netrunner and cyberguru. Qiara’s relatively abrupt “leave of absence” from the Corpo world had been a surprise, but also she felt some liberation as the heel of the industry slowly lifted from her neck. Perhaps there were bigger things in her future? Then Eddie entered the room, and Qiara felt her heart jump a bit. Things were starting up and perhaps she wasn’t as mentally prepared to dive into a new chapter of her life as she thought. Of course, as the beautiful Fixer began the run-down in her opening statement to the group, the Netrunner suddenly had doubts of whether or not she made the right choice in accepting the offer. She had never been in a situation like the one she found herself in now, and that alone frightened her. She had a bad feeling about the whole situation. Or maybe it was just the breakfast granola and fruit smoothie churning in her gut.