[CENTER][img]https://fontmeme.com/permalink/220123/b3c5ef84c71ca67f2d25922c469c4763.png [/IMG][/center] [hr][right][color=gray]April 8th, yesterday’s future.[/color][/right][hr][center][i]Sibling Rivalry! Utsubyo Ogre Strikes Again! [s]Sakaguchi Suplex[/s][/i][/center] [color=92278f]“Huh? Oh yeah, totally,”[/color] she muttered, scratching through another few shorthanded titles. There were almost [i]too[/i] many angles to take this, and she didn’t want to waste time agonizing over a headline now, when there was a chance she’d have to scrap it if things went south—or north, she didn’t really have a preference. Akari went on, but it was some kind of insult, or a threat, and Kanna had learned to tune those out. It wasn’t that she thought Akari was bluffing, hell she was probably one of the most serious people in Utsubyo, Kanna just didn’t care. If she took every threat of bodily harm to heart, or heeded every broody warning, the only things she’d get to report on were puppies and old people shit—and not even the weird, scandalous old people shit. She took another bite of her sandwich, circled a few tentative points in her notes, and retuned to the conversation. [color=92278f]“Hey, do you think this could’ve had anything to do with Kenzo’s, uh, hobbies? I mean, you’ve seen Totsuka. Wouldn’t surprise me if he’s dabblin’ in the dark arts, if y’know what I’m sayin’?”[/color] Obviously she couldn't publish that sort of speculation, that would just be bad form. But if it was a lead worth investigating, she'd dog it. [color=92278f]“Ooh! Could be gang related. You ever been in a gang? Y'know, leather jackets, nail-bats, that sorta deal?"[/color]