[center][img]https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/934550171994435664/980194972051591228/unknown.png[/img][/center] [hr][right][color=gray]April 8th, Year 1[/color][/right][hr] [indent][indent][color=FF295E]“You read too much manga.”[/color] Akari sighed, dismissing Kanna’s fixations. Leather Jackets? Gang Activity? Nakano’s head was way too in the clouds, which Akari supposed was Nakano’s entire personality. The taller girl’s threats went unheard and the reporter hyper-focused on something weird and over-the-top. She didn’t know how she wasn’t used to it by now, but here it was again, another day where Akari was confused by Nakano’s nonsense. But what about her idea that Kenzo could’ve been dealing to the taller boy? Akari supposed that was less ridiculous, but her brother also wasn’t the type to antagonize people like she did. Something to ask Kenzo when she got home. If she remembered, anyway. [color=FF295E]“Do you think he joined a gang by the second day of the new school year? How long has he even been here?”[/color] She shook her head, [color=FF295E]“That’s dumb. You’re dumb.”[/color] [/indent][/indent]