[center][img]https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/934550171994435664/980194972051591228/unknown.png[/img][/center] [hr][right][color=gray]April 8th, Year 1[/color][/right][hr] [indent][indent][color=FF295E]“Nakano is trying to play detective.”[/color] Akari remarked, nonchalantly. [color=FF295E]“She’ll probably be up Himawari’s ass next.”[/color] Akari sighed–the girl from yesterday, the new girl. The one with boundless energy, as if Akari’s social battery wasn’t overloaded enough. At least there was some kind of silver lining to the whole situation; there was someone else to distract Nakano from her need to tell whatever stories she could get her hands on. Maybe she could focus on the new girl’s move to town and away from Akari, Kenzo, and the idiot who Akari couldn’t stop thinking about confronting. There were a lot of ways and places it could go down. She took another bite of her food as she thought about if she should do it in the school hallways where everyone can see or outside where the prying eyes of people like Nakano could be avoided. It was going to happen today. Somewhere. Somehow. [/indent][/indent]