[center][h1][color=black]T[/color]OTSUKA [color=black]R[/color]YUSEI [color=black]戸[/color]塚 [color=black]竜[/color]星[/h1][/center] [hr][right][color=gray]a date where smartphones exist i don't fucking know pm[/color][/right][hr] [indent]Why had he done it? That was easy enough to answer—he was hurt and wanted to hurt somebody else in return. Fat chance he'd ever admit to that in any company, much less one made up of a huffy teacher and a wise cracking redhead. Luckily, that very same redhead answered for him, and saved him for having to come up with some kind of lame excuse for why he decided to brain the poor fucker. At least the kid seemed to have a reputation to him that ensured Ryusei didn't have to feel too guilty for his actions. Not that he would have anyway. Of course, the drilling for an answer wasn't the reason they had been brought here. He knew that from experience. What teachers were more concerned with was making a show of their authority and [i]punishing[/i] him for stepping out of line. As if detention mattered in a shithole with nothing to do. It was perhaps to Touga-sensei's credit as an educator that she had managed to do something none of his previous educators had done, and actually surprise him with her declaration. The towering teen gave the paper a once over, then directed his icy blues to the woman herself, quirking a single brow. [color=c0c0c0]"I can't become a proper member of society by hitting people, so to teach me that lesson you're going to put me in the club where I hit people?"[/color] He asked, resisting the urge to point out that he hadn't used his fists on Sakaguchi. He didn't want to risk the school having a fucking [i]skateboarding club[/i]. Besides, he had other, more important things to do. Like antagonize his overseer about her choice. [color=c0c0c0]"Yeah, no, that checks out. That'll learn me real good, sensei."[/color][/indent]