[CENTER][img]https://fontmeme.com/permalink/220123/b3c5ef84c71ca67f2d25922c469c4763.png [/IMG][/center] [hr][right][color=gray]April 8th, yesterday’s day before tomorrow.[/color][/right][hr]Kanna perked at the sudden appearance of the new girl, mentally snapping her fingers for details. [color=92278f][i]Ichiko? Ichida—ka! Ichika. Shimizu Ichika. Shopping, dress up, volleyball.[/i][/color] An out-of-towner like Totsuka, whose pleasantness had been tragically overshadowed by the Ogre’s…abrasiveness. But as compelling as the inevitable rivalry was, Utsubyo was too dull for Kanna to afford to let good leads slip by her. Shimizu might not be laying local plugs out in the parking lot, but that didn’t mean she was boring, or that there wasn’t a spot for her in the paper. Volleyball was an engaging sport, maybe—Kanna didn’t really do sports, but that was fine, because she often found the athletes to be infinitely more interesting than the games themselves. Swinging around so that she could face both girls, Kanna beamed cheerily and bowed her head in greeting, subtly flipping to a fresh page in the flipbook as she did. [color=92278f]“Nakano Kanna, reporter for the school paper, and as my good friend Akari put it, local sleuth. Nothin’ happens in this school—in this [i]town[/i]—without me knowin’ about it.”[/color] She twirled her pen in her fingers, scribbled the name, [i]"Shimizu Ichika"[/i] at the top of the new page and gave it a bold underline. [color=92278f]“Meant to introduce myself yesterday actually, but things kinda got, y’know, a lil’ bit hectic. Skateboards, assault, defending family honor,”[/color] she winked to Akari. [color=92278f]“All that good stuff. But hey, what about you? Where’re you from? What brings you to a place like Utsubyo?”[/color]