[center][img]https://fontmeme.com/permalink/220130/6cba50f669c9afaf20534dd8285a1367.png[/img][/center][hr][hr][indent] The fact that Shiori's neck hadn't snapped from how quick she looked at Totsuka was a testament to the durability of the human body. The fact that she wasn't throttling him was also a testament to her own willpower. She should've outed him, she should've thrown him under the bus, she should've gotten a license so she could drive the bus just to run him over multiple times! What the hell?! Why the hell would he suggest this?! If her eyes could burn into him any more than they already were, he would've been set on fire by now as her rage burned behind her glare. To her absolute horror, Touga was now thinking. No, no, no, this couldn't be happening! Shiori didn't even dare look her way in case anything she did swayed the teacher. Unfortunately for her, however, Touga agreed. [color=gold]"The manager graduated last year, so I'm pretty sure Shinsato-sensei's probably looking for someone to fill in the gap,"[/color] She said, looking at Shiori. [color=gold]"An idle mind is the devil's playground...So keeping you busy is probably for the best. Good idea, Totsuka."[/color] Shiori exhaled a breath she didn't know she was holding, though she immediately protested. Unfortunately, any valid concerns she had were nonexistent as she couldn't think of anything that could get her out of this aside from blurting out, [color=pink]"But I don't want to!"[/color] [color=gold]"And I don't want to see you two going down the wrong path,"[/color] Touga scolded her. [color=gold]"It's not too late to turn things around! You have ambition. Just think of this as a way to keep you out of trouble. Now that that's settled, go back to lunch, you two still have time to eat something."[/color] Shiori visibly deflated, dismayed. How did it come to this? As they were ushered out of the faculty room, the redhead felt herself visibly shake with anger. She quickly turned on Totsuka, once again glaring at him. [color=pink]"What the hell?!"[/color] She snapped at him, furious. [color=pink]"First your little fire crotch comment--not cute, by the way!--but you decided to drag me into your punishment, too?!"[/color] [/indent][hr][hr][CENTER][IMG]https://fontmeme.com/permalink/220130/30723a37b2f7f9cded4f0d43ed032e23.png[/IMG][/CENTER][hr][hr][indent] Ichika wasn't entirely sure what Nakano was writing, though she couldn't assume it was good. It was like she was being interviewed--oh no. Is that what was happening right now? Was she in the Newspaper Club? Suddenly Ichika felt like she made a big mistake. Wait, no, it was okay, right? It wasn't like she was gonna go saying bad things about Shiori. If anything, she could easily clear up any misunderstandings! The brunette nodded at first, though she paused. [color=coral]"Well, we're cousins, actually,"[/color] Ichika admitted. [color=coral]"We're not super close, but she used to come to visit me a lot back in Tokyo with my aunt--our moms are sisters."[/color] [/indent][hr][hr]