[center][img]https://fontmeme.com/permalink/220130/6cba50f669c9afaf20534dd8285a1367.png[/img][/center][hr][hr][indent] [color=pink]"My hair is [i]obviously[/i]--that kind of question is--what is wrong with you?!"[/color] Shiori was a little too wound up to be more articulate. Some of her fury fizzled away to embarrassment, but she was also too pissed off to not be angry. She was also wholly unamused by the explanation she was given. And to think she didn't rat him out, only for him to drag her down with him. What an actual asshole! The worst part was that as angry as she was with him, there was the tiniest sliver of truth somewhere in his explanation. Not the part where he admitted she was good company--she blamed that part entirely for flustering her--but maybe if she hadn't gotten him to leave they could've caught the rat before the photos were taken. Taking in a deep breath, she pinched the bridge of her nose. [color=pink]"He says '[i]thankful[/i].' This is what I get for being nice,"[/color] She grumbled, taking in a deep breath in an effort to calm herself down. [color=pink]"You know, usually when you enjoy people's company, you just ask them to hang out. Now I think you hate me since you decided to drag me down to Boxing Club Hell with you,"[/color] She huffed, crossing her arms. [color=pink]"I should ask to participate so I can learn how to give you a good right hook."[/color] [/indent][hr][hr][CENTER][IMG]https://fontmeme.com/permalink/220130/30723a37b2f7f9cded4f0d43ed032e23.png[/IMG][/CENTER][hr][hr][indent] Ichika blinked slowly as she listened. Both Sakaguchi and Nakano were really confusing and she wasn't entirely sure how to approach the situation. Sakaguchi's comment made her feel a little bad, but it did explain why she assumed that Ichika was here as punishment. Nakano, on the other hand, was acting a lot like those girls that used to cozy up to her in an attempt to get access to her parents' money. She was entirely uncomfortable, but she had no idea how to escape this conversation without it getting awkward. [color=coral]"Uh...I don't know any Totsuka, sorry,"[/color] She started there. [color=coral]"Shi-Shi is, uh...well, grumpy. But she's a good person deep down! She's just kinda shy, that's all. So sometimes it's hard for her to talk to people, you know?"[/color] [/indent][hr][hr]