[center][h1][color=black]T[/color]OTSUKA [color=black]R[/color]YUSEI [color=black]戸[/color]塚 [color=black]竜[/color]星[/h1][/center] [hr][right][color=gray]a date where smartphones exist i don't fucking know pm[/color][/right][hr] [indent]With how prone to mouthing off she seemed, Ryusei hadn't expected that his comments would get her so tied up in a knot. If they ended up hanging around each other regularly—a silly hypothetical, considering he had all but [i]ensured[/i] that moments ago—he would make sure to exploit that going forward. She did make some good points though. Dragging her down with him was a bit of a bitch move to pull, but he didn't know who all were part of the team, so ensuring he had at least one friendly face among them would hopefully make the coming weeks more tolerable. Not that Shiori's face was looking especially friendly at the time. [color=c0c0c0]"What do you mean? We're gonna be hanging out every day after school now. This is just a... non-conventional proposal, is all."[/color] He insisted, ever the smooth talker, [color=c0c0c0]"'Sides, I wouldn't mind you hopping in the ring—maybe you can throw the punches you learn there at the person who got us into this mess. The hell was her name? Short, black hair, annoying glasses. My 'stalker'. You said she was on the school newspaper, didn't you?"[/color] It didn't hurt to make his intentions for her a little better known. Frankly, he expected her to go off and seek vengeance all her own, if her reputation was at all warranted. He was just pushing the inevitable conclusion forward a little bit.[/indent]