[center][img]https://fontmeme.com/permalink/220130/6cba50f669c9afaf20534dd8285a1367.png[/img][/center][hr][hr][indent] [color=pink]"Uh huh."[/color] A non-conventional proposal. This guy was so full of shit. Unfortunately, the deed was done, and as much as she'd like to exercise her anger, it wasn't going to do anything. That, and it would look kinda bad if she just started wailing on the new guy right after he just got sent to Boxing Club Jail for being violent. She tried not to roll her eyes too much as he continued, though he did bring up a good point. The real culprit of this entire mess was whoever took the pictures in the first place. She regretted not going back and smacking the camera out of their hands. By his description, though, it could have been a few people. [color=pink]"Well, I [i]was[/i] going to pay a visit to the Newspaper Club after class, but now I have to go somewhere else,"[/color] She reminded him. [color=pink]"'Cause you've described at least three people and if I'm kicking someone's teeth in, it has to be the right person."[/color] [/indent][hr][hr][CENTER][IMG]https://fontmeme.com/permalink/220130/30723a37b2f7f9cded4f0d43ed032e23.png[/IMG][/CENTER][hr][hr][indent] Would it be out of character? No. But Ichika couldn't really admit to that without opening up a whole slew of problems. Shoot, she should be better at this sort of thing. She tucked a hair behind her ear as she tried to buy herself a little time, trying to think of how to approach this as diplomatically as possible. [color=lightsalmon]"Not really. I'm shocked you're not more aware, Nakano."[/color] Ichika closed her mouth and looked to her right, the source of the comment seated at [url=https://i.pinimg.com/564x/4b/5b/11/4b5b11fcde7eace32e3a407486afdace.jpg]her desk[/url]. Golden eyes were fixated on the sandwich the girl held, her mess of blonde hair looking just a touch different than typical shades. Her uniform was barely put together, her hoodie unzipped and hanging off her shoulders. Despite giving the trio no attention visually, it was clear she had been listening to them. [color=lightsalmon]"Himawari's a known delinquent that's thrown plenty of punches. It's not that shocking to find her associating with another delinquent, is it?"[/color] She asked before taking a bite of her sandwich. Ichika was a little surprised by this. [color=coral]"That's a bold assumption to make,"[/color] She frowned. The girl snorted, taking a second to finish before replying, [color=lightsalmon]"If I took a picture of every shiner she gave me, I'd have a whole album. Granted, it's mutual, but don't go pretending she's a good girl when she isn't,"[/color] She replied. [/indent][hr][hr]