[i]"I don't need! An! Assassin!!"[/i] Redana is very difficult to fell. She used to push herself to her limits (which are very far indeed, even compared to some humans) for fun, for the hope of one day getting to be part of the grand competitions, and because exercise and strain felt rewarding compared to the nebulous, confounding difficulty of trying to get the entire universe crammed inside her head. And perhaps it's the fact that she is the daughter of gods, too; that now that she knows, it's that much harder to stop her. "That's the [i]last[/i] thing!" She lashes out, thud thud, too close in for Beautiful to do anything but twist so that it's not the vulnerable parts of her that end up beneath those brass knuckles. You can take it, can't you, Beautiful? These aren't weapons for killing; these aren't swords or claws or giant hands looking to crush everyone or the fangs of the hydra she slew. These are for the [i]frustration[/i]. "I need! Like I [i]want[/i] people killed?" She pops up, catches the underside of Beautiful's jaw with her head, then falls on top of her and brings them both down. No more footwork. Just punches. "Fuck you! Fuck your training! Fuck your trainer and fuck her army and fuck her poisons! That's what she gave you, isn't it?" Then she stops, and several emotions slam into her face just before Beautiful's palm slams into her face, and Dany swings back with the brass gleaming on her hand. But she doesn't keep punching the same place, she doesn't fight like a killer, and that's what gets her shoved off and onto the floor, world spinning after the final savage punch to her [i]Ajna[/i]. "I don't [i]need[/i] assassins," Redana says. "So try being something that's [i]not[/i] that."