[center][h2]Skarsat[/h2][/center] So first of all Neh'miah had tried to get them all into lethal jeopardy by meddling in the affairs of people who apparently were way too important to the city for its sheriff to just ignore the matter. Then their beloved (or rather not so) Solange had tried to abandon them by doing what she so far had always done: caring about herself and [i]only[/i] herself. Just to back up these efforts and for general good measure Maréngo was not hesitant to set up a fireworks that had serious potential to consume more than just its propellant, but at least did singe Skarsat's body hair as the rapidly spreading cloud of exquisite odour could tell. Still not enough danger around ? Apparently so because now he could also hear the unmistakable thunder of cannons fired along with some of the damage that caused to the dock's surroundings. Being all in the hands of some unknown sailors' accuracy in terms of aim was not a good feeling, so the Tork tried to make an even faster run for it. Left shoulder, that was it! The most comfortable, or rather least hindering, position for a dead body to be carried. Good thing that Neh'miah obviously had been a rather lightly built man so he didn't slow things down that much, even though the dead thief's dangling legs and feet kept hitting Skarsat in his back as he rushed towards the gangway. No! No! This could [i]not[/i] be! Oh how cruel fate could be! First presenting the very possibility of one's most hated enemy stumbling over nothing less than the very piece of clothing she herself had chosen to wear no matter how utterly inappropriate it foreseeably had been, then taking said possibility away again like the carrot in front of the greedy horse desperate for food. Just how nice it would have been to see Solange drenched in oily, murky water crying out for anybody to pull her out of it -- everyone except for the sheriff's men, of course! Now was that him accidentally hitting some kind of resonance frequency while running up the gangplank or did that wooden thing bend up and down that much under his steps even without ? Would have been another good way to send someone flying into the water if only he had been a lot faster, but now all that was left for him was the significant feeling of discomfort as the swaying motion made the contents of Skarsat's stomach hitting the top end of their container again and again, too. Only once on board the ship and thus out of the most of trouble he noticed that there was something on Neh'miah's belt which was close to Skarsat's neck. A pouch of coins, and even a lot of those. Skarsat wrapped his hand around the small leather thing and pressed his fingers against it firmly. Noone would take that away, not until its contents had been split up evenly among the remaining members of their little... expedition.