[center][img]https://i.imgur.com/JPaWe7r.png[/img] [img]https://txt.1001fonts.net/img/txt/dHRmLjY2LmFiOWIzNy5XbUZ5YVc1aElFRnNMVTVoWkdWeS4w/italianno.regular.webp[/img] [hr] [b]Interacting with:[/b] Yalen [@pantothenic], Jocasta [@Force and Fury], Ayla [@Ti], Kaspar [@Wolfieh], Ysilla [@Pirouette] [b]Location:[/b] Torragonese Desert [hr][/center] [i]Thumpthumpthump–[/i] The pounding of her own heart was headache-inducing. There was so much noise coming from the growing tremors and the inevitable sounds of a famished beast coming close–all she could really hear was her own heart. Some prayed, some wanted to cower, and yet despite Zarina’s own values and attachments, the only thing that ran in her mind as she held her one-legged position was what to do when the plan failed. And given how close the monstrosity was, it appeared to be an almost guaranteed alternative. Zarina was just about ready to intervene and improvise a last stand to salvage what she could of her team when the Wyrm just … Turn the other way? The plan worked. It worked and Zarina could now breathe, because she had just realised she was holding her breath during her standstill. A loud exhale along with a few coughs were allowed to come out as she stumbled to get her footing again. Sweat quickly accumulated all of a sudden, as if she had just done a long jog under the sun and only now had the watery aftermath. Especially on her back–it was particularly unpleasant. [color=C78A2C]”Oh. Shit.”[/color] the whole team had this moment of grand relief, and Jocasta was one of the first to downright celebrate, [color=C78A2C]”Oh SHIT.”[/color] she nodded repeatedly, [color=C78A2C]”YEAAAAH BITCH!”[/color] she wailed now that the Wyrm was quite a ways away, taken by the moment and acting like some frat boy that beat some lifting record. The adrenaline of victory was so great, she even approached Yalen and presented her hand for a High-five, which she would deliver with quite the smack, [color=C78A2C]”Yeaaaahhhh!”[/color] Alright, it was time to cool down, Jocasta was right and they had to go. Although as they began to move, Zarina noticed the little musician had exerted herself quite a bit, as did quite a few others. The tall Virangish girl conferred special attention to the orchestrator of the initiative they had just taken. Without much warning, she swooped in to duck and nab the little lion on her shoulders to lift her up, [color=C78A2C]”There she is! ”[/color]she called out joyously, clearly not as tired as the others, [color=C78A2C]"The lady of the hour. Let those little legs rest."[/color] She then turned her head toward Yalen, [color=C78A2C]"I can also give piggy-backs."[/color] she winked. During their final trek, Zarina was playing steed for the worn out little lioness. Looking over to the side, she took notice of her own sister–the person she had seemingly avoided for a while. She still didn’t speak, but when their gazes would cross, she conspicuously smiled toward Ysilla before facing forward to the Tethered Refuge. [hr][b]Location:[/b] Tethered Refuge[hr] They had made it, and the venerated lion was made to dismount now. The Refuge greeted them, and while not with the most open of arms, the little ones treated the visitors as better than the highest born of nobles. Needless to say, the sight of this many kids eager to see Zarina made the teen grin ear to ear. Without a shred of reservation, she stepped before the group of young folks, arms opened invitingly, [color=C78A2C]”Hello Refuge-Starlings! Did you like the show?”[/color] and then her hands came together in a clap, [color=C78A2C]”That Wyrm back there? Stood NO chance against our Great Mane Manoeuvre!”[/color] Ayla got a very conspicuous glance from the flamboyant Zarina. She went on to add some spice to the events that unfolded, making it digestible for kids in the process, [color=C78A2C]”And so a Legendary Spear was made from the very sands of- Hmm?”[/color] a young boy came to her, and addressed her in her mother tongue. Whether it was her appearance, getup or thick accent in Avincian, she had been made as a Virangish, [color=C78A2C]”Gonna have to give me a moment, lovelies.”[/color] Abdel was given her full attention, scooting a bit away from the grouping youths, she’d lower herself and knelt with one knee to get at his level, [color=C78A2C]”Hmmm.”[/color] she squinted at the trinket, even reaching out touch it, [color=C78A2C]”*Azunu …”[/color] Looking over her shoulder, Zarina’s jovial and high-energy demeanour had completely changed–the realisation of what was going on here hit her. There was no need to let the caretakers know of anything. But just as she was about to provide an answer, the young lad was downright yanked from the collar. [color=C78A2C]”The F-”[/color] her voice grew very quickly and simultaneously to her ascension, however she stopped herself very quickly [i][color=C78A2C]The Fuck are you interrupting my discussion, Asshole?[/color][/i] would have been her full response in a scenario far closer to home. And then potential violence. But she knew better, Jocasta being the first she’d look at when reconsidering things, [color=C78A2C]”It’s fine.”[/color] she exhaled from her nose, with Kaspar giving her an idea, [color=C78A2C]”I was just showing him a trick.”[/color] in her hand, she morphed some of the residue sand all over her into a small, glass emerald she flicked over at the not-so-well treated boy. Lips pursed, she gave a final glance that showed nothing but uncertainty and concern to the boy he looked back. Then came the Warden, or at least he introduced himself as that, [color=C78A2C]”Warden.”[/color] she replied with her arms crossed and a mere, curt nod. It’d be hard to tell if it was merely a polite recognition, or a remark. Either way, she kept herself discreet during the mini-tour and took in what both the establishment’s head and the recently introduced Marceline had to say. All the while, Zarina kept particular attention to Jocasta. The little things she had already begun to notice were only reinforcing the potential concerns she may have. With the rundown given and ‘Marcelina’ attributing them their rooms, Zarina lazily waved at the Warden, [color=C78A2C]”It’s what we do.”[/color] with a just as passive and uninspired response. It seemed many things were on her mind and her distraction was made quite apparent. [color=C78A2C]”And where do you sleep, Marcelina? And everyone else?”[/color] she asked, chin nudging forward and eyebrows raised. There were no caretakers too close-- she was paying close attention to that too. [hider=Translation]*I think …[/hider]