Eyyyy, it's up! The cycle starts anew. Faetalis can be difficult as hell to write at times. She's supposed to be one part conceited, two parts charming, and one part in the moment, which is not always conducive to an argument. But, the long and short of it is, Faetalis showing off the Realty-bending Power of her Crafting, as she crafted, literally, her IRL self as a onesie to wear in order to demonstrate her point of becoming Human, while staying a Monster in her new world order. [i]Because, Man is the real Monster.[/i] Now, whether that point got across is subjective to the reader, and the character, but hey, I think I did okay, lol *toots own horn* Y'all's turn, and I'm so glad to be able to say that again. [@The Irish Tree] [@Guess Who] [@Lugubrious] [@Stern Algorithm] [@Lucius Cypher]