[hr][hr][center][img]https://i.postimg.cc/PJVn13TQ/What-If-Logo.png[/img][/center][hr][center][@Morose][@Nallore][@Kirah][/center][hr] [b][i][u]City Streets[/u][/i][/b] As Jade predicted, they'd hear the sounds of shouts from farther down the street. Doors to several different buildings were being thrown open and slammed shut, and the sounds of several people calling and shouting, racing towards where Sabretooth had landed. Which unfortunately for the pair of them was just an alleyway over from where they were. The footsteps were getting closer rather quickly, meaning that they likely would get spotted if they didn't move quickly from their current position. For Guin, she'd run into people as Sabretooth a lot quicker then them. As a door to the alley from a building flung open, resulting in a a few people stepping through it. Somehow, Guin was able to maintain the switch, so she didn't have to worry about that at least right? "Sabretooth? Really?" a man said, walking into the alley, but looking like he was trying really hard not to laugh. "Aren't cats supposed to land on their feet?" a woman commented, which resulted in the first guy to burst out laughing, unable to hold it in for very long. For Ed, he'd hear the commotions that were resulting from Guin's attempts to get Sabretooth faraway from where he was now. He'd also be able to hear the sound of footsteps heading his way. Though he was able to get a very entertaining thing to witness. That being Sabretooth (as Guin) let out a roar (or tried to) and was kicking at the bubble that he had made to contain him. [b][i][u]City Hall[/u][/i][/b] [color=yellow]"Still not sure this is a good idea..."[/color] he muttered. One of the guys had sprung back up to his feet, and charged straight at him. Lance at the last moment before being hit had managed to blast at him with light, sending him backwards. [color=7ea7d8]"Ok, I think this will work to at least get us out of here..."[/color] Pietro eventually said, though his left arm looked like it had healed wrong, and was still at an odd angle. [color=7ea7d8]"I can race us out of here Carolina, I'll take Lance and your body a few blocks away, get out of there, and see you in a minute."[/color] [color=yellow]"You sure about that? That looks painful..."[/color] [color=7ea7d8]"Just need someone to rebreak it later to fix it, and check to see that the other one healed correctly, otherwise I'm fine, aside from pain, don't worry,"[/color] he responded, before in a gust of wind, he took Lance and Carolina's body out of there and farther down the street a few blocks away, before leaning Carolina's body up against a wall. (Carolina will be able to go back to her body this round.)