[@KillamriX88][@Crowvette] Celestine offered a very [i]worrying wink[/i] at the boy's reply of not being dropped, their small figure gripping now Wolf tighter against their self. "Don't worry. Lots of places to grab onto." They said, as they perhaps took some -ahem- liberties with the places he was gripping Wolfram. Meanwhile, the Librarian, Kiwi, let out a small weak protest "Now hold a seco- Wolfram!" She said, before being left with the abomination's partner. Kiwi, reacting quickly, drew Alyona closer to her as she began to crawl up the walls avoiding the goop. <"Our training is hard, but not that hard."> She chose to answer in an accented Yekaterinan. <"We should try and reach the source... I can offer some web supports for us to..."> Kiwi had said, but, right in that moment, Alyona's curse activated, and five of her legs failed to find a support, before the spider girl fell backwards into the goop, but not before pushing Alyona out of the way. "Hel-" Kiwi tried to say something, but soon it was all darkness. It seemed Alyona was alone now. [hr] Mina was confused. She had never thought Parker would walk away in this way, not after he had so many broken bones. Maybe he was still concussed? Or deaf? She had given him her best quality milk, but maybe there were things her panacea couldn't solve. She had to find him. But navigating the crowds was so confusing, and not many faces she could recognize. So when she recognized Suzakura's her face brightened and ran towards his arms, a grin wide. A second later, a strange sound of impact was heard as Suzakura's full kick collided with Mina's ample bosom. The bovine girl let a strangled whimper before her generous rear's recoil would be sent in Michael's direction. "Not...again..." She whined.