[b][h3]Orpheuz Paladice[/h3][/b] The rain kept falling, the wanderer kept wandering. The puddles of water along the street didn't bother him the slightest, as he began to walk into the Rhean national tournament grounds. Silence. There were no sounds aside from the rain and his footsteps, as he wandered out into the middle of the grounds. The many benches surrounding the vast arena was as expected all empty. Upon reaching the middle of the field, Orpheuz knelt down to feel the ground itself. [b][i]'Has it already come to pass, or is it waiting to happen? So many questions, yet so little answers...'[/i][/b] The hooded figure shook his head softly from side to side, it irked him that despite his vast trip. It had not yielded him much answers so far. Perhaps it was time to seek out someone who could enlighten him on the happenings of the city. His own knowledge was limited in that regard. He rose up again and allowed the falling rain to clean his hand of any dirt he had contacted when feeling the ground itself. [b][i]'A cleansing spring to clean away the filth, that's not a bad thing. Isn't that right? My mate of soul. We shall dance forever, but for now the masquerade is still going on. You did enjoy those... my princess.'[/i][/b] He closed his eyes momentarily, reaching up to pinch the bridge of his nose with his fingers. [i][b]'The unknown threat to all of us, just what kind of enemy did that man speak of? It doesn't really matter does it? I will hold up my end of the bargain. Without him I wouldn't have this chance, the chance of one in a lifetime...'[/b][/i] The thoughts came back to him, of the mysterious man which had made him the great offer. Whereof Orpheuz had been quick to agree to it, it wasn't a bad deal. A ticket for a one-way trip was worth... everything. [i][b]'No matter who the enemy may be, I am ready to face you and this world...anew.'[/b][/i] He thought as his gaze fell upon the moon as it was beginning to peek out from some clouds. [b]"To be born anew, is this how you feel every night? Watching us all from up there..."[/b] The orange-eyed figure gazed up to the full moon, the light of the moon reflecting in his eyes. [i][b]'But do you feel the same as I? Not that a moon could feel a thing. But even you have your lunar eclipse, shrouding who or where you are. Yet despite all that, past that cloak of darkness you are still the same. Will I be able to say the same when all is over and done. When I can find the light to my shade.'[/b][/i] There were many uncertainties lying ahead, a path he had believed to have been fate or destiny had once before played it's cruel melody on him. Yet despite it all, the very gods themselves had taken pity on him. Or was it a test of his determination? Whichever the case. He would get everything or nothing, there was no middle-ground. To rule among the stars, or to fade away completely in their presence. He took the moment to close his eyes if only for a moment, and remembered his other half. That long blonde hair flowing in the wind, the fine blue garments that was befitting of someone of such noble blood. The soft smile and the unmistakable laughter. He smiled slightly, someday soon, he would hopefully be able to see that smile once again. Hear that voice again. The two dogtags attached by his necklace jingled slightly as he began to walk again... towards the distance.