[center][img]https://i.imgur.com/CcgBAFx.png?1[/img] [img]https://i.imgur.com/l0GQQtL.png?1[/img][/center] [hr][color=gold]Location:[/color] Isla d'Amato near the water [hr][color=gold]Interactions:[/color] Onarr [@Bork Lazer], Trypano [@A Lowly Wretch], Ingrid [@dragonpiece], Amelea, Benedetto, and Ismet'ych'lahin'dichora [@Force and Fury] [hr][hr] [hider=Philosopher? No, a Madman] Desmond looked to Benedetto without so much as moving, his eyes always stayed upon his, as he looked to Benedetto as he snarled and sneered. Desmond looked to this child, one given the power to kill men far greater than himself in a brutal way, and thinks of himself as a saint of it. Speaking of Death like he was to the purveyor of it like he's the one to figure out what death was, what it meant to destroy. Desmond's face sneered at the mere idea that he even had to look at Benedetto and understand the sentiment of his ideas. He understood, that saying something over the body means nothing much, but to bring the dead back, to speak their names, and then spit on them, means that you do nothing but draw evil. Desmond watched the child begin to lash out at everyone now, yelling at Ingrid, howling as he declares the meaning of Lifelike some Philosopher: Struggle and Violence. Of those 2, Desmond agreed with 1, Struggle, everyone must struggle, and that is all. Everything else Benny speaks out of his little head is nothing but ramblings, like that of a madman explaining himself. Desmond had anger in him, but it subsided, he was mentally calming himself as he looked at Benedetto with nothing but a face that of a blank page but eyes with fury. Even then that fury eventually softened, it was now to keep an act rather than to be his true emotions. There was no need to stoop to his level, to drop to Benedetto's thinking would mean you paint him as the one in the right, and sully the very ideas of those that have died. None of them knew that the Storehouse had people in there, so for them, they didn't consciously know where they were. None of them were trained, so, this will weigh heavy, as all death does. Death will weigh heavy, yet they are unable to cry and feel sorry for themselves, they need to move forward. And make sure that they didn't die just for us to die and quit. They'd die in vain.[/hider] [hider=What is a Madman's Rambling?]As Benedetto continued to spew his maddened ideals and morals, he just made Desmond annoyed, acting as if he was not immoral in comparison to them because they all killed, but at least he wasn't a hypocrite, like some madman trying to make himself better by digging under someone. Yet this madman had some true power, Benedetto lifted tons of material into the air: water from the sea, splintered and burned wood, and crumbled stone. Desmond would be in awe as he saw each of these things rise, but he was more focused on Benedetto, Desmond needed to know something, and it might come from the man who's been hiding everything. But in preparation, Desmond began lightly drawing from the energy around them, slowly with smooth and calm regard, just enough to fill but not enough to disturb things. Like a good ghost, you mustn't draw in more than you need, the moment you do it makes you a bigger target. Once Desmond had his fill, he was ready for if Benedetto would try anything. As Benedetto spoke, Desmond began picking up on his tones, his cadence, his shifting and heaving breath like that of an unstable person. He was cracking under his own emotional outburst, and like most unstable people, they'll spill everything they hold within them. Like some rocking boat in the thick of the storm, their bow creaking and cracking letting loose bits and pieces, and their secrets would be laid bare to those who listen. And it seemed it was true as Benedetto spoke, he spoke of his thoughts freely, of what he'd think of them to do instead of just prancing around. Then he spoke of VVvysen, as it seemed as if a bit of his 'good' was there, something that allowed him to feel, he felt something thinking of her weakness. As he pivoted and continued, almost none of them should have been there, as he told a truth Desmond needed to know, these are not the pirates they were looking for. Those who attacked them were not of the Maria Nera. As Benedetto continued, Desmond's anger had finally lowered and nearly disappeared as he calmed himself to not allow himself to get swept up, as the moment Benedetto blasted off into the sky, Desmond knew the conversation was over.[/hider] [hider=Truth] He was able to hear a weak voice off in the distance, he tossed a glance to see Onarr and sighed, [color=gold]"At least he seems okay"[/color]. Desmond looked to the rest of the group as he took in a breath and said, [color=gold]"We can't listen to Benedetto. He's a mad dog trying to make himself seem better by saying doing terrible shit makes you better than those who accidentally do things because then you are the only one who knows what they are doing"[/color]. Desmond sighed as he then continued, [color=gold]"We can't change things now, but if we wallow here then we will die here. Penny is out there, and God knows what's happening to her as we sit here and wallow. If we just sit here and let his madness get to us, we are no better than hypocrites and fools. Leaving those who have passed to be lost in vain, and leaving one of our people to die"[/color]. Desmond could see a few were shaken, so he hoped that something to help them cut through the noise was enough. As Ismette spoke up Desmond gave her a nod and said, [color=gold]"That's more than enough, you helped us when we needed it and saved us. Not everyone needs to fight, but everyone needs to help. We are not making out of this with us running around, we need to watch each other's backs"[/color]. At this point, Desmond began to dig into his coin purse and started grabbing a few things. The next person to awake was who Desmond was waiting for, he needed to know how she would be out of all of this. As Amelea rose, she seemed to make the remark that she was some kind of princess who needed to be saved. Yet the moment she looked around, she saw VVvysen and was startled enough to invoke the Pentad through physical gesture. She rose to call out for everyone and check if everyone is okay as she drew in kinetic energy, Desmond was immediately worried like she might have tried to hide it preparing to do something, yet Desmond was already filled with energy so his preparedness hopefully went unnoticed by the Princess. She seems far more prepared for fighting than what a normal person would, and far more so than what he'd expect from a princess. As she called out with righteous anger, she proclaimed [i]realizing[/i] who they are, and Desmond's eyes almost sharpened, yet he stopped himself from showing his thoughts. [color=gold][i]She already knew, she even said it herself: [url=https://www.roleplayerguild.com/posts/5361463]'She should have known [i]they[/i] would use her as bait'[/url]. Who were they baiting? Obviously, it wasn't just some random person.[/i][/color] Desmond knew something was up, she was now beginning to shift the situation to try and get people to have a high resolve to go straight for the enemy, maybe this was her plan to play off what happened to VVvysen. As the Princess made her proclamations, Desmond put his hand on her shoulder as he said in a calm voice, [color=gold]"We have a few things to do before we do that. Firstly heal up and find our other partner. Talk about what we know,-"[/color]. Desmond shifted his arm that was on her shoulder slightly but keep his right hand hidden from her as he continued, [color=gold]"-after all, we need to know what we are dealing with. And what about those friends of yours? Shouldn't we go get them? After all, they should be able to help us defeat the Maria Nera's crew for sure, we did just kill 6 of their stronger mages, right?"[/color] Desmond was looking at the Princess waiting for a response as in his off-hand, his right hand, hidden from her view, flashed what seemed to be 3 Neskal. In the order from left to right while looking at Desmond head on goes: Lapis Lazuli, Ivory, and Onyx. He hopes that whoever sees this might understand his message for this conversation, hopefully, Ingrid might understand what this means. [hider=Neskal Meaning] Ipte, Garnet- Lover. Maybe is given to pay for a dowry, anniversary, gifts of love, and the such like that. Shune, Lapis Lazuli- Learner. Maybe given to people as either a way to pay for school, pay someone in a school, may be used to congratulate someone, or to tell someone you learned something important. Oraff, Gold- Creator. May be used when a great inventor makes something and used to congratulate them, may be used when a baby is born into a higher family, or stuff to deal with creation inside a higher family or industry. Eshiran, Ivory- Destroyer. Maybe it's used as a threat, when nobles wish to threaten each other, used to pay soldiers, for funeral costs, and for condolences. Dami, Onyx- Judge. Often given in professional and business matters as an exhortation to deal fairly also used to signify the person made a sound judgment and the such. [/hider][/hider]