[@Siber] Hmm, I don't know... This character concept isn't striking a chord with me for a couple reasons: - Her appearance while transformed is little too inhuman, that's very out of sync with just about everyone, even the antagonistic girls. - Her emotion manipulation powers would be kinda ok for villain, but they are both inappropriate for player since that can cause OOC issues, not to say anything about being quite pointless against the Pageless since they have no emotions or a mind of their own. That said, this could be reshaped to a more interesting ability, though. Maybe something to do with darkness would be fine. - The main prolem is her grimoire. Excuse me if I'm just being ignorant, but I don't think I ever heard of that story before, and grimoires shouldn't just be created in a vaccuum like even alters have some basis on some prior existing story after all. Also, the rank is a little too high even if it's an existing story, since it doesn't strike me as something that important.